Time to test WADA too
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Dear Editor,
Far from being embarrassed that six Jamaican athletes have recently been found in violation of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rules, I am annoyed that the anti-doping zealots at WADA are not being placed firmly in the dock.
ARMSTRONG...caught blood doping
Far from enhancing the sport, WADA is giving it a black eye as the bemused public is being constantly bombarded with unwarranted headlines about "cheats","doping", "scandals". WADA's ridiculously long list of "banned substances" needs a long overdue diuretic (purge).
We are not here talking about Ben Johnson's steroids or Lance Armstrong-style blood doping which are serious violations. We are talking about the banned substance allegedly taken by Asafa Powell and Sherone Simpson in a supplement, which is okay, if taken out of competition, but, according to WADA, turns you into a "cheat" if found in your body at a track meet. Go figure.
Far more problematic is the assertion by WADA that these supplements, decongestants, energy drinks, among others, actually enhance anything, except the manufacturers' bank accounts. Take high jump, for example. There are so many inputs, so many variables, in a performance to control for, speed and angle of approach to the bar, rhythm, point of take-off, and rotation over the bar.
For these anti-doping zealots to assert that it is banned substances that actually enhance performance isn't science. It is quackery, and they would fail a test if given one.
Even the most celebrated of recent banned athletes, Marion Jones, ran slower after taking drugs than before. That's one of WADA's deep dark secrets. It is true that taking a banned substance (which he thought was better than Viagra) apparently enhanced the performance of US champion 400 man LaShawn Merritt. Alas, the enhancement was only in the boudoir, not on the track. There he has got 'bunned' (sorry burned) by Grenadian Kirani James. Some supplement, indeed !!!
Errol W.A. Townshend
Scarborough, Ontario
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport...#ixzz2aSPvJQV7
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Dear Editor,
Far from being embarrassed that six Jamaican athletes have recently been found in violation of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rules, I am annoyed that the anti-doping zealots at WADA are not being placed firmly in the dock.
ARMSTRONG...caught blood doping

Far from enhancing the sport, WADA is giving it a black eye as the bemused public is being constantly bombarded with unwarranted headlines about "cheats","doping", "scandals". WADA's ridiculously long list of "banned substances" needs a long overdue diuretic (purge).
We are not here talking about Ben Johnson's steroids or Lance Armstrong-style blood doping which are serious violations. We are talking about the banned substance allegedly taken by Asafa Powell and Sherone Simpson in a supplement, which is okay, if taken out of competition, but, according to WADA, turns you into a "cheat" if found in your body at a track meet. Go figure.
Far more problematic is the assertion by WADA that these supplements, decongestants, energy drinks, among others, actually enhance anything, except the manufacturers' bank accounts. Take high jump, for example. There are so many inputs, so many variables, in a performance to control for, speed and angle of approach to the bar, rhythm, point of take-off, and rotation over the bar.
For these anti-doping zealots to assert that it is banned substances that actually enhance performance isn't science. It is quackery, and they would fail a test if given one.
Even the most celebrated of recent banned athletes, Marion Jones, ran slower after taking drugs than before. That's one of WADA's deep dark secrets. It is true that taking a banned substance (which he thought was better than Viagra) apparently enhanced the performance of US champion 400 man LaShawn Merritt. Alas, the enhancement was only in the boudoir, not on the track. There he has got 'bunned' (sorry burned) by Grenadian Kirani James. Some supplement, indeed !!!
Errol W.A. Townshend
Scarborough, Ontario
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport...#ixzz2aSPvJQV7