I never attempted to cheat, says Traves Smikle after positive test
Published: Thursday July 18, 2013 | 4:17 pm 0 Comments

Traves Smikle – File
Discus thrower, Jamaican Traves Smikle has released a statement confirming that he returned an adverse analytical finding at the recent national trials.
In the statement, Smikle did not identify the substance for which he has been tested positive.
However, he said he did not knowingly or willfully ingest any banned substance.
"I have never attempted to cheat and have always considered myself an ambassador for the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]sport[/COLOR][/COLOR] and a strong supporter of drug testing," he said.
I confirm that the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Jamaica[/COLOR][/COLOR] Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) has notified me that the urine sample given at the Jamaica National Trials has returned an adverse analytical finding.
The sample was taken after competing in the Discus throw for men.
As an athlete, I must take responsibility for whatever is found in my body; however I wish to state that I did not knowingly or willfully ingest any banned substance.
I have requested analysis of the B sample and await notification of the time and date for this to be done.
I am willing and stand ready to work with JADCo and the relevant authorities in any investigation to get this matter dealt with in the best way possible.
Personally, I am very saddened and surprised by these findings, as I have never attempted to cheat and have always considered myself an ambassador for the sport and a strong supporter of drug testing.
For that reason, I have always willingly made myself available for the many drug tests conducted both at home and abroad.
I deeply regret this development and the hurt and embarrassment which it has caused to my [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]country[/COLOR][/COLOR], family, coach, The UWI, friends and many supporters.
I would like to thank everyone who has provided support in this very difficult time and will do everything possible to work with my management team and JADCO to clear my name and to justify the faith which Jamaica has consistently placed in me.
- Traves Smikle
Published: Thursday July 18, 2013 | 4:17 pm 0 Comments

Traves Smikle – File
Discus thrower, Jamaican Traves Smikle has released a statement confirming that he returned an adverse analytical finding at the recent national trials.
In the statement, Smikle did not identify the substance for which he has been tested positive.
However, he said he did not knowingly or willfully ingest any banned substance.
"I have never attempted to cheat and have always considered myself an ambassador for the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]sport[/COLOR][/COLOR] and a strong supporter of drug testing," he said.
I confirm that the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Jamaica[/COLOR][/COLOR] Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) has notified me that the urine sample given at the Jamaica National Trials has returned an adverse analytical finding.
The sample was taken after competing in the Discus throw for men.
As an athlete, I must take responsibility for whatever is found in my body; however I wish to state that I did not knowingly or willfully ingest any banned substance.
I have requested analysis of the B sample and await notification of the time and date for this to be done.
I am willing and stand ready to work with JADCo and the relevant authorities in any investigation to get this matter dealt with in the best way possible.
Personally, I am very saddened and surprised by these findings, as I have never attempted to cheat and have always considered myself an ambassador for the sport and a strong supporter of drug testing.
For that reason, I have always willingly made myself available for the many drug tests conducted both at home and abroad.
I deeply regret this development and the hurt and embarrassment which it has caused to my [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]country[/COLOR][/COLOR], family, coach, The UWI, friends and many supporters.
I would like to thank everyone who has provided support in this very difficult time and will do everything possible to work with my management team and JADCO to clear my name and to justify the faith which Jamaica has consistently placed in me.
- Traves Smikle