Boxing in schools has a long and colourful history
Published: Wednesday | December 26, 2012 0 Comments

Nicholas Walters

Job Walters

Norman Manley
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Leroy Brown, Gleaner Writer Making a plea for boxing in schools many, many years ago, a well-known Jamaican had this to say: "Boxing is not only one of the finest sports, but far and away the safest. Football is positively a dangerous game and in cricket they might be killed at any time by the ball. Boxing has three outstanding points, to say the least. It teaches sportsmanship, courage and self-reliance and that is why we are hoping to see it spread in the schools and hope that it will never die."
The well-known Jamaica who made those bold remarks was the then president of the Jamaica Boxing Board of Control, (JBBC), Norman Washington Manley, former premier of Jamaica and National Hero. The occasion was the ceremony for the presentation of trophies and medals at the end of the annual Inter-Scholastic Boxing tournament, on December 20, 1935, at the Rose Garden Stadium on Victoria Avenue in Kingston.
Published: Wednesday | December 26, 2012 0 Comments

Nicholas Walters

Job Walters

Norman Manley
1 2 3 >
Leroy Brown, Gleaner Writer Making a plea for boxing in schools many, many years ago, a well-known Jamaican had this to say: "Boxing is not only one of the finest sports, but far and away the safest. Football is positively a dangerous game and in cricket they might be killed at any time by the ball. Boxing has three outstanding points, to say the least. It teaches sportsmanship, courage and self-reliance and that is why we are hoping to see it spread in the schools and hope that it will never die."
The well-known Jamaica who made those bold remarks was the then president of the Jamaica Boxing Board of Control, (JBBC), Norman Washington Manley, former premier of Jamaica and National Hero. The occasion was the ceremony for the presentation of trophies and medals at the end of the annual Inter-Scholastic Boxing tournament, on December 20, 1935, at the Rose Garden Stadium on Victoria Avenue in Kingston.