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Lance Armstrong - most sophisticated doping program ever!

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  • Lance Armstrong - most sophisticated doping program ever!

    Armstrong Was Central Figure in Doping Ring, Officials Say
    Published: October 10, 2012 597 Comments

    The United States Anti-Doping Agency on Wednesday released details of its investigation of Lance Armstrong, calling it the most sophisticated doping program in recent sports history — a program in which it said Armstrong played a key role by doping, supplying doping products and demanding that his top teammates dope so he could be successful.
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    Peter Dejong/Associated Press
    In 2005, Lance Armstrong held up seven fingers to indicate his seventh straight win in the Tour de France.

    Timothy A. Clary/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
    Lance Armstrong at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2010.

    A 202-page account of the agency’s case against Armstrong included sworn testimony from 26 people, including nearly a dozen former teammates on Armstrong’s United States Postal Service and Discovery Channel squads who said they saw Armstrong doping to help him win every one of his record seven Tour de France titles.

    The file was the most extensive, groundbreaking layout of Armstrong’s alleged doping, bolstered by new interviews, financial statements and laboratory results.

    The agency said that witnesses’ testimony was so damning that it did not need any corroborating evidence to make its case, though its report included financial payments, e-mail messages, laboratory results and scientific data that the agency said proved Armstrong cheated by using banned performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions.

    “The U.S.P.S. Team doping conspiracy was professionally designed to groom and pressure athletes to use dangerous drugs, to evade detection, to ensure its secrecy and ultimately gain an unfair competitive advantage through superior doping practices,” the agency said. “A program organized by individuals who thought they were above the rules and who still play a major and active role in sport today.”

    Armstrong has repeatedly denied doping. Timothy J. Herman, one of Armstrong’s lawyers, said in an e-mail message that the 202-page report “will be a one-sided hatchet job — a taxpayer-funded tabloid piece rehashing old, disproved, unreliable allegations based largely on axe-grinders, serial perjurers, coerced testimony, sweetheart deals and threat-induced stories.”

    The teammates who came forward and submitted sworn affidavits included some of the best cyclists of Armstrong’s generation: Levi Leipheimer, Tyler Hamilton and George Hincapie, one of the most respected American riders in recent history. Other teammates who came forward with information were Frankie Andreu, Michael Barry, Tom Danielson, Floyd Landis, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jonathan Vaughters and David Zabriskie.

    Their testimony was the most widespread effort to break the code of silence in cycling that has existed for decades and perpetuated the pervasive doping in the sport.

    The agency said the evidence revealed “conclusive and undeniable proof that brings to the light of day for the first time this systemic, sustained and highly professionalized team-run doping conspiracy.”

    The evidence against Armstrong features financial payments, e-mails, scientific analyses and laboratory test results that show Armstrong doped and was the kingpin of the doping conspiracy, the agency said. Several years of Armstrong’s blood values showed evidence of doping, the report said.

    “It’s shocking, it’s disappointing,” said Travis Tygart, chief executive of the antidoping agency. “But we did our job.”

    When Armstrong decided in August not to contest Usada’s charges, he agreed to forgo an arbitration hearing at which the evidence against him would have been aired, possibly publicly.

    Under the World Anti-Doping Code, the antidoping agency was required to submit its evidence against Armstrong to the International Cycling Union, which has 21 days from the receipt of the case file to appeal the matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Once it makes its decision, the World Anti-Doping Agency will then have 21 days in which to appeal.

    The cycling union and the World Anti-Doping Agency were expected to receive the Armstrong file Wednesday.

    The antidoping agency has been gathering evidence on Armstrong for the past several years, with its efforts increasing after Landis, the 2006 Tour winner who was stripped of the title for doping, contacted Tygart in 2010. Landis told Tygart that he, Armstrong and others on the Postal Service team were involved in systematic doping supported by the team.

    At the same time, Armstrong became the target of a federal investigation into his doping and doping-related crimes, including defrauding the government, drug trafficking, money laundering and conspiracy. In particular, investigators from the Food and Drug Administration, the F.B.I. and the United States Postal Service were looking into whether Armstrong and his associates had used government money to finance doping practices.

    But last February, André Birotte Jr., the United States attorney in Los Angeles, announced that his office was dropping the investigation into Armstrong. He gave no reason for abandoning the inquiry, which lasted nearly two years and involved extensive travel, including to Europe, where antidoping agency and law enforcement officials met with their counterparts from Italy and France.

    While the criminal investigation is no more, an inquiry by the Department of Justice is continuing, sparked by Landis’s filing a federal whistle-blower lawsuit charging that Armstrong and the team management defrauded the government by using taxpayer dollars to finance the squad’s doping program.

    He claimed that Armstrong and the team management were aware of the widespread doping on the team when the squad’s contract with the Postal Service clearly stated that any doping would constitute default of their agreement, said two people with knowledge of the case. Those people did not want their names published because the case is still under seal.

    Landis filed the lawsuit under the False Claims Act, the people with knowledge of the matter said, and those suits give citizens the right and financial incentive to bring lawsuits on the government’s behalf.

    If the government decides to join the lawsuit and recovers any money because of it, Landis will be eligible to receive a percentage of the money.

    Armstrong, who retired from cycling last year, has said Landis made up the story of doping on the team because he had not been hired by Armstrong after Landis ended his two-year suspension from the sport for doping.

    When the antidoping agency announced this summer that it would file charges against Armstrong, he immediately denounced the agency’s claims and called its process of sanctioning athletes “a kangaroo court.” He filed a federal lawsuit in August, saying the antidoping agency was depriving him of his constitutional right for due process and asking the court to stop the antidoping agency from moving forward with its case. A judge dismissed the lawsuit.

    In a statement by his lawyer on Wednesday, Hincapie, the only rider who was at Armstrong’s side for his seven Tour victories, acknowledged doping and apologized to his family, teammates and fans for his dishonesty.

    “Early in my professional career, it became clear to me that, given the widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs by cyclists at the top of the profession, it was not possible to compete at the highest level without them,” said Hincapie, who retired from cycling this year after riding in a record 17th Tour. “I deeply regret that choice.”

    Hincapie, the five-time Olympian and three-time national road race champion, said that he had been approached by federal investigators in the spring of 2010 and they asked him to divulge his experience with doping. That summer, he sat down with them and admitted he had cheated with drugs — but also reluctantly spoke about the other cyclists involved in doping because he felt “obligated to tell the truth about everything he knew,” he said.

    He told investigators that he had not used performance-enhancing drugs or processes since 2006, a point when he was accomplished enough to ride clean and respected enough to start persuading other riders, particularly young ones, to avoid doping.

    Since stopping his drug use, Hincapie said he has been “working hard within the sport of cycling to rid it of banned substances.”

    “Thankfully, the use of performance-enhancing drugs is no longer embedded in the culture of our sport, and younger riders are not faced with the same choice we had,” he said.

    He said the antidoping agency had reached out to him more recently to ask him about his doping past.



  • #2
    Is that news?


    • #3
      The gravity of it? YES!



      • #4
        The gravity??? Like how he took a fall?


        • #5
          the g[Ira[/I]avity has caused at least a fall in his reputation as an athlete...just sae his lawyer denying the accusations and denouncing usada as an organisation that is out of control...
          Peter R


          • #6
            Cycling officials looked the other way when it came to Lance Armstrong doping, World Anti-Doping agency boss says


            FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012, 3:03 PM


            The details of Lance Armstrong's 'sophisticated' doping program are detailed in new report by United States Anti-Doping Agency.
            The explosive report detailing why the United States Anti-Doping Agency stripped Lance Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles suggests that cycling officials looked the other way while the now-disgraced cyclist operated what USADA calls the most sophisticated doping program in sports, World Anti-Doping agency director-general David Howman said on Friday.

            Howman did not call out officials with International Cycling Union (UCI), the sport's governing body. But in an interview with New Zealand's LiveSport Radio, he referred to "suggestions" in the 1,000-page report that say irregularities in some of Armstrong's drug tests were not as investigated is thoroughly as they should have been.

            "What seems to happened in this particular scenario is that it went on for so many years under the noses of those who were supposed to be detecting it and at times probably with their knowledge," Howman said.

            Richard Young, a Colorado Springs sports attorney who helped draft USADA's "reasoned decision," agreed with Howman that "more could have been done."

            "I would have liked to see more at the international level," said Young, a partner at Bryan Cave LLP. "But it was not our job to point fingers. It was our job to bring out the facts."


            USADA lists several incidents in the report that make UCI officials look like they were in on Armstrong's doping scheme.

            Former Armstrong teammates Tyler Hamilton and Floyd Landis, for example, both testified that Armstrong had told them that he had tested positive for EPO at the 2001 Tour of Switzerland – and that UCI officials had agreed to ignore it.

            Landis says Armstrong told him he had made a "financial agreement" with UCI to keep the positive test a secret. UCI has acknowledged that it has received two payments of $125,000 from Armstrong, but has said the money was designated for anti-doping efforts. UCI president Pat McQuaid has said that UCI has never accepted bribes for covering up doping.

            USADA also says in its report that Postal Service team manager Johan Bruyneel always seemed to know when cyclists would be tested. France's anti-doping agency, which conducted testing with UCI at the Tour de France, complained in 2009 that Armstrong's Astana team "benefited from privileged information or timing advantages during doping control tests."

            USADA also says UCI ignored efforts by riders to present evidence of Armstrong's scheme. That is something USADA investigators clearly did not do: The report builds a damning case against Armstrong because it includes testimony from 11 former teammates. George Hincapie, who Armstrong has described as his "best bro," acknowledged his own doping for the first time in the report.

            "There was a code of silence, but knowing what they knew for so long had to weigh heavily on their consciences," Young said. "Tyler Hamilton said he thought he would take this to his grave. He's got to feel relieved that this has come to light."

            Armstrong's attorneys have called the report a "hatchet job" that ignores mountains of other evidence, including the hundreds of drug tests that Armstrong passed.

            But Howman said that's a weak argument. He pointed out during the interview with New Zealand radio that Marion Jones, the American track star who had to surrender her five medals from the 2000 Olympics after she was convicted to lying to federal investigators about using steroids, had never failed a drug test, either.

            "Lance Armstrong has (been) tested more than a couple of hundred times. None of them were positive in terms of recorded positives. There have been suggestions that there may have been a couple of them that were not fully investigated so they remain at the moment suggestions," Howman said.

            "What we have to say is the science can catch some but it doesn't catch them all. What we've been talking about over the last few years is that where there is evidence gathered in relation to cheating - and it can be gathered by the police or by customs or by other people - then it should also be brought together to sheet home a sanction process against the cheating athlete. That's what they've done in this case."

            Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/i-...#ixzz297I3cMYl
            "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

