Keshorn's home attracts tourists
...but roads a problem
By Joel Julien joel.julien@trinidadexpress.com
Story Created: Aug 21, 2012 at 11:00 PM ECT
Story Updated: Aug 21, 2012 at 11:00 PM ECT
TOCO has seen an increase in the number of local tourists to the area following the recent gold medal success of Keshorn Walcott at the London 2012 Olympics, councillor Terry Rondon has said.
More than 1,000 local visitors went to Toco on Monday for the Eid-ul-Fitr public holiday, Rondon said.
Toco, known for its beautiful beaches, now has a new tourist attraction: the childhood home of Olympic champion Walcott.
Walcott shot to international stardom with his gold medal-winning javelin throw of 84.58 metres in the London Olympics on August 11.
His achievement has drawn local tourists from throughout the country to his family's home at Trois Roches, Toco.
And while Rondon and the residents of Toco are glad for the influx of visitors, a new problem has arisen.
The road to Toco is in "urgent need of repair" and Rondon yesterday made an appeal to the Central Government for help.
Rondon, the councillor for Toco/Fishing Pond, said the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation was doing its best but it needed the Government's help to fix the road.
Rondon said there were several traffic accidents along the Toco Main Road on Monday as motorists swerved to avoid potholes.
"We are always grateful for all the visitors we get, people have come in search of Walcott's home and his hometown village and we are happy for that but we need help with the roads," Rondon told the Express yesterday.
"We (the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation) are responsible for cleaning the beaches, and trying to ensure the area is beautiful but we need help with the roads, it is too much," he added.
Rondon said he was grateful for all the Government has done for Walcott but road woes in the area also needed to be addressed.