Can he (or his handlers) not leverage the current situation?
...PUMA may be willing to provide compensation over and above what he is currently contracted...maybe x 5?
Does his contract have excape clause(s)? ...Will the World's most successful sports enterprise come calling? ...and what about multiple deals that are compatible (approved by those willing to allow same)...can such a combination of deals be more valuable to Mr. Bolt...make more sense to Mr. Bolt than a "one sponsor" deal? ...e.g. 5 companies willing to anti-up 10x millions for y years as opposed to "one sponsor" unwilling to share but pays 2x millions only for y years?
You appear to be locked in to absolutes! this business nutten nuh guh suh! As it has been said the constant is change!
At this moment Bolt is the Don Dada it is for him (his handlers) to 'maximize'! Yup...and so it is for young Mr. Blake! ...and indeed for those our upcoming youngsters...
Cool nuh, baasss!
Mek di man dem mash-up di Olympics fus nuh sah?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
I have made my statement regarding the article on the value of Yohan. Those who cannot wrap their minds around Yohan securing multi-million dollar sponsorship and contract deals that see him potentially eclipsing Bolt in single year earnings are the ones locked in darkness..not I...
They have simply not recognized that Bolt did not maximize on his potential.. largely in part to him being locked with a 2nd Tier Company... as such it would be folly to look at his earnings as some unreachable pinnacle..
If I were negotiating Yohan contract I would have performance clauses that at MIMIMUM match Bolts Puma contract of 9 Million per year if he should double.. not even going talk bout breaking a record...
Adidas is salivating at being able to claim an Internationally palatable Bolt Beater (read Brand Jamaica) and the potential of leveraging that to increase their market share in the industry...
I mean this should be basic common sense with a dose of Critical Thinking.. you do not need to have a degree in Marketing..
We are in the post Bolt era.. not pre-bolt.. update unnuh understanding of the industry stakes..
If I were negotiating Yohan contract I would have performance clauses that at MIMIMUM match Bolts Puma contract of 9 Million per year if he should double.. not even going talk bout breaking a record...
What tense is this horse's ass...i mean horse's mouth's consigliere...