Holding presenting evidence of his ability (a montage of the range of strokes he plays) but says he needs to concentrate more... doesn't say it in so many words but his "problem" is upstairs...
He plays back a little too much for me and many times it seems he doesn't get his foot forward far enough...
Yes Mr Exile i am talking to myself again... maybe a little cooffee will help my nerves... excellent partnership between Tiger and Samuels, now at 122...
Just had some (coffee b4 yu mind start wander or wonder)...lol..
Sammy just play an off-drive..like a bullet...
Samuels nevr really impressed me..reminds me of Carl Hooper sometimes...cld start but can't finish....his best innings was an ODI vs. Canada sm years ago when he burts on the scene...since then mostly "promise, potential and p......"
...and look how he got out... came forward halfheartedly then stepped back and pushed at the ball which found the edge... he should have come fully forward and he would have played the ball... a good knock still but neither he nor Chanders getting a 100 was disappointing