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Calypso conundrum

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  • Calypso conundrum

    Calypso conundrum
    Amidst all the dire weather we’ve been having lately, one thing that has brought a smile to my face was an article by Christopher Martin-Jenkins in The Times last week.

    In it he wrote of his slow recovery from illness, which has involved chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a series of seven operations. He won’t, he says, be able to attend the first Test at Lord’s next week, but is looking forward to watching it on TV, with great anticipation: “Never, truly, have I so looked forward to a Test match.”

    It’s an article that gladdens the heart, not just because CMJ is on the mend, but because his joyful anticipation of the start of England’s international summer crystallizes all that is good about cricket and being alive to see it.

    Not only that, but with the weather set fair for at least the next few days, it seems, after a false start involving much rain and many interrupted days of county cricket, with the first Test against the West Indies only days away, like we might be getting a summer after all.

    I wish I could be as optimistic as CMJ about the Windies’ chances, though.

    Their preparation has been shambolic. They arrived in the the UK last week in dribs and drabs due to visa cock-ups, and an eleven minus captain Darren Sammy were comprehensively demolished by England’s second string in the Lions game at Northampton. True, their batsmen did put up a better showing in their second innings, and Darren Bravo’s 57, following on from his 51 in the first innings, gave the pundits a chance to dust off those Brian Lara comparisons. But one respectable innings total and a couple of decent individual performances won’t win you a Test match, and certainly not against a full-strength England side.

    That’s not to say there isn’t talent in the West Indies ranks – far from it. Their seam attack in English conditions could cause the home side some problems, though our batsmen have been more vulnerable to spin recently, as that embarrassing winter tour in the UAE demonstrated. But even then, bowling out this formidable England batting lineup twice seems like a mighty big ask, and their own batting looks brittle and inexperienced; one fears Shiv Chanderpaul will once again be asked to bear a heavy load on those diminutive shoulders.

    When this West Indies team takes the field at Lord’s, it will be notable more for its absences. Chris Gayle, of course, is the most high profile. To a neutral, the conflict between him and the West Indies Cricket Board has been a long-protracted soap opera, a jaw-dropping saga of board-versus-player pettiness and pomposity. That finally seems to have come to an end now, with Gayle likely to be selected for the limited-overs matches that follow the Tests, though it seems the board administration took one more opportunity to place Gayle on the naughty step when it questioned his attitude for requesting clarity regarding his international future before turning down a T20 contract with Somerset.

    Other notable absences include Dwayne Bravo and Sunil Narine, who, along with Gayle, are currently making the most of lucrative contracts in the IPL, the tournament that to the WICB represents such a huge stumbling block on the road back to the glory days for its national team.

    In an article in The Cambridge Companion to Cricket, published last year, Hilary Beckles, a director of the West Indies Cricket Board, wrote: “No previous generation of West Indian cricket leaders has had as divisive an impact on Caribbean development discourse as that of Lara and Gayle. The failure of their teams to compensate for the spreading sense of despair in West Indian socio-economic decline and political disillusionment led to an intensely critical perception of both as politically unfit for the role of leadership. The public feels, furthermore, that despite its insistence on the team having an important political role ‘beyond the boundary’, the game has been hijacked by an uncaring cabal of mercenary money seekers, players without attachment to traditional sources of societal concerns.”

    This, in a nutshell, is the conflict that lies at the heart of the mess West Indies cricket is in. To reinforce the credo of country before self the WICB has taken a route that favours the dictatorial over the constructive, and as far as individual player selection goes has discarded the disruptive in favour of the malleable.

    It’s not an approach that makes much sense. It seems counter-productive to dispense so drastically with experience for the sake of unquestioning obedience. There also seems to be a lack of transparency as to why certain players have been discarded. The most notable of these are two players currently plying their trade – and scoring runs – in English county cricket.

    Ramnaresh Sarwan has so far been a valuable addition to Leicestershire’s ranks this year, and while he could have been forgiven for rethinking his decision to sign for the Foxes in light of April weather that required a minimum of three jumpers, he quickly figured out the best way to keep warm at a chilly Grace Road is to score runs, and lots of them. You’d think his 105 against Derbyshire a few days before the squad was announced, as well as a Test average of 40, might have put him in with a shout of selection, but it seems other factors might have told against him.

    He cites his closeness with the West Indies Players’ Association, which has a long history of conflict with the WICB, as the likely reason. “There are a few in the Caribbean who have been targeted and I am one of them,” he says. “I am trying not to focus on it too much, I am just happy to be here at Leicestershire. I do not have to worry about any coaches telling my fellow players that he wants me to fail and that he does not want me in the team.”

    Brendan Nash, dropped from the West Indies squad last October while vice-captain, became so disillusioned with his treatment by the WICB that he moved back to Australia to play grade cricket for Melbourne’s Doutta Stars, saying he had no intention of returning to Jamaica in the near future. He is now scoring runs for Kent, and like Sarwan his experience has proved invaluable. He admits now his international career is probably over, but is still not sure entirely why.

    “Looking back on my five years in West Indies cricket, it is a structure that is designed to make you fail,” he said. “I think I speak for a lot of guys when I say they are unsure what they need to do and why some people are selected, whether they are just from the right island, or what.”

    Given their bowling attack, and the erratic but undoubted talent of the likes of Darren Bravo, green shoots of recovery do seem to be appearing for the West Indies, and – credit where credit’s due – Darren Sammy has grown into the leadership role beyond that of specialist coin-tosser to instil some team spirit into his troops. But when coach Ottis Gibson states: “If we can take this Lord’s Test to four days, that will be great,” it seems those shoots may yet be rooted in shallow soil.

    Come Thursday, England’s goal will be to make them wilt.

    Posted by legsidefilth on May 15th, 2012 and is filed under cricket, england, lord's, Test, west indies.
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    6 Responses to “Calypso conundrum”
    Devon L Wilson says:
    May 16th, 2012 at 3:30 pm
    WICB has taken a route that favours the dictatorial over the constructive, and as far as individual player selection goes has discarded the disruptive in favour of the malleable.

    This Approach does not win Salvation.
    Its better to use Honey to Catch Flies! Than Salt. That PHD sound like a true Nationalistic idiot.. A Castro Student.

    Jason says:
    May 16th, 2012 at 4:00 pm
    What’s the source of Sarwan’s comment?

    legsidefilth says:
    May 16th, 2012 at 6:39 pm
    Hi Jason. The comments from Sarwan were in an article in The Times on April 30th. Unfortunately I can’t provide a link, as it’s behind a paywall.

    legsidefilth says:
    May 16th, 2012 at 6:41 pm
    Hi Devon. I agree that the WICB’s dealings with players seem unnecessarily combative. Perhaps this rapprochement with Gayle signals a move to a more constructive approach to reconciling differences, but I’m not holding my breath.

    Devon L Wilson says:
    May 17th, 2012 at 1:13 am
    Indeed Legs: Here is my idea of what should happen!
    “The cricket discourse has provided us with the latest ground for testing our collective rationality and indigenous intelligence.”

    I think Mr. Beckles meant our collective Chauvinism. His nationalistic view is one familiar with those of the communist era.

    Comes to mind Fidel Castro, Michael Manley, they wave the flag of patriotism before the people, yet there pursue of happiness is base on their perceived ignorance of the people to know that they are not genuine about the interest of the territories.

    Mr. Beckles, Look at the greatness of other sports, there is a collective partnership in its success. I always tell my children I want them to succeed in life, so I make sure I try to put the vehicle in place for them to be successful.

    What comes to mind is the Jamaican method of getting your drivers license when I was a kid. Upon a hill with the concept of if you roll back you fail. In my mind as a young man, this is what resonate with me, they design this method to fail you. WICB model of a successful West Indies team is so wrong even Blind Bartemaus could see it.

    Devon L Wilson
    Author of the Sanctuary The Open Door

    Devon L Wilson says:
    May 17th, 2012 at 1:14 am
    My Solution to the Cricketing trouble:

    Here is my suggestion to the WICB for a successful team.
    1. Respect your Workers.
    2. Make them partners.
    3. Let them know you desire their better good.
    4. Treat them as you would like to be treated.
    5. Let them know you are their Servant.
    6. Let them know the future is in their hands.
    7. Give them the tools to be successful.
    8. Lift their self worth, in other words let them feel good about themselves.
    9. Give them reason to trust you.
    10. Win the Fans over with Internal Changes by being honest and transparent

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