Bolt still ahead, but the gap cut!
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Yohan Blake has run 200 meters faster than any
One thing you dont factor in.
Tek dis from the horses mouth...or next best thing.
Bolt had only 1 month of good training before that 19.19s run.
Him did ah skylark before and was even at the Negril dance ln August dat year...whey it name ACL or summpen?
Den one month in London, wid nutten but training and Playstation and BOOOM...Berlin.
Dis year him have di Pearl a hound him, so I dont see the same opportunity to loaf and skylark...if Bolt stays healthy and train like he is under threat....fill in the blank.
Originally posted by Muadib View Postyou are confusing a race initiated by the firing of a gun (how quaint) with how quickly one can cover a distance..
if you are testing how quickly one can cover a distance.. reaction time is irrelevant... the clock starts when you do..
is this a difficult concept ?when him do it INCLUDING his reaction time you can really celebrate... as would I btw..
BTW I completely understood your point... but in your eagerness to "oneup" someone as you are always prone to do, you did not read my post with any care...
As a last point note that no race that I know of discards reaction time... let me know if I am wrong...drag racing, luge, bobsled, skiing, speed skating... the reaction time is part and parcel of the test... so really to consider it gives us only an indication of potential...Peter R
hold on.. mi mek a statement and yuh ah run up yuh mout because it nuh suit yuh...
if you disagree with my assertion state where I have made the error.. I am well aware of the current race format in track and field. I am not discussing a race... I am analyzing how quickly a human being can cover a distance.. in this instance 200M and who has done it the fastest based on historical data.
The question is not who got to the finish line first or their time as measured after the starters gun but who has covered the distance in the fastest time upon their START act.. there is a difference..
In testing of human capacity of speed over distance a 'race' initiated by a sound is not very scientific.. the clock starts based on the action of the athlete.. not some independent stimulus.. engage yuh brain nuh.. cho..
Since this has not been done to date with Usain and Yohan I have to use my good school brain and simulate such a scenario by removing the element of REACTION TIME..
Surely now you can see your 'error'.. mi a talk orange.. yuh stuck a examine apples..
Last edited by Muadib; January 31, 2012, 10:23 PM.