Reports hailed Kim's 38-under par 34 over 18 holes at the 7,700-yard Pyongyang Golf Course in his first try at golf, a feat watched purportedly by 17 security guards protecting the man hailed as "Dear Leader."
"Kim's Golf & Yacht Club" (unofficial name, 18 holes) about 20 miles southwest of Pyongyang 38.53.44 N x 125.06.44 E This course was built by South Korean investors. I have Google Earth, this course is tree-lined and tight.
Yangakdo Hotel Golf Course (9 holes) 38.59.58 N x 125.45.00 E in downtown Pyongyang.
It is also rumored that one of Kim's vacation retreats had a three-hole course. Kim's fascination with Western culture was no secret, so his reported addiction to golf is a real possibility.
And to think it took me 40 years to get my first and only hole in one.
Last edited by Bruce; December 19, 2011, 06:45 PM.
This just in: Kim's corpse will play South Korean-born PGA touring pros K.J. Choi and Y.E. Yang on an episode of "Shell's Wonderful World Of Golf" filmed at Kim's Golf & Yacht Club. The episode will air in January 2013.
The level of discipline that the N. Koreans in almost everything is unprededented.
L'il Kim's meant everything to his people. They are thoroughly brain washed... in the communist ways.
There is a military guy that is always seen with L'il Kim. His military jacket has the most medal I have ever seen. Trying to find a picture of this military guy....
The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough
Downright brainwashing... but that 34 score on the par 18 is truly miraculous!!! and I thought my friend who hit two holes in one in one round and made Golf Digest (and he's just a working stiff who loves golf) had accomplished an unbelievable feat... oh well...
3. A second 18-hole course, Kumgangsan, has opened in the tourist region of the same name, in the far southeastern corner of North Korea. 38.42.40 N x 128.12.21 E.
The course is located on the south shore of Changjon Bay. I believe Changjon's football team is nicknamed the Kimchee Packers.