This is in response to one Honorary Mr. Historian questioning the use of one Mr Bolt in the 4*4 at major championships.
Listen, what are we talking about here, we are talking about an unusual opportunity, an opportunity where the cost is relatively insignificant compared to the payoff.
The cost a little 400 training to supplement what he is already doing just to run what??
Just to run one leg of a relay at WC and Olympics
at at low 43.mash
Payoff - The elusive Usain fourth gold medal per game without having to do a whole nother event
1. Usain talks about being a legend, well the legend ahead of him is one Ms. Lewis he need to be able to fiind a fourth gold per game without compromising the other events, I think this JA 4*4 team with a little more development from Ryker and Green is poised to do exceptional things ala Ja 1952.
2. The second payoff is it puts a big dent in US ability to have a free gold at the end of every championship with their ownership of the 4*4's if we want to win then we will have to run a little more sweat every win denied to the US that we win the event, doubles the impact on the medal standing of that event for the US vs Ja rivalry, we have a narrow tight window so we must maximize that.
Yes Usain is our once in 50 years opportunity, we must maximize that value now with the least cost to Usain and I think the 4*4 is the best vehicle to get him there.
So three in Beijing, 4 in London and possibly the same 4 years later that is 11 possible Olympic gold. Same for WC which he should break anyway, even though he has missed a critical one here in Daegu!
Carl has 9 Olmpic gold, and 8 WC gold, seventeen T&F majors, Usain now has 3 OG and 4 WCG, possibly 5 WCG if we do wat we supposed to do tomorrow.
This is the T&F version of the 18 majors Jack Nickalaus record that Ja and usain needs to own to complete the Legend of the Lightning Bolt!!!
Listen, what are we talking about here, we are talking about an unusual opportunity, an opportunity where the cost is relatively insignificant compared to the payoff.
The cost a little 400 training to supplement what he is already doing just to run what??
Just to run one leg of a relay at WC and Olympics
at at low 43.mash
Payoff - The elusive Usain fourth gold medal per game without having to do a whole nother event
1. Usain talks about being a legend, well the legend ahead of him is one Ms. Lewis he need to be able to fiind a fourth gold per game without compromising the other events, I think this JA 4*4 team with a little more development from Ryker and Green is poised to do exceptional things ala Ja 1952.
2. The second payoff is it puts a big dent in US ability to have a free gold at the end of every championship with their ownership of the 4*4's if we want to win then we will have to run a little more sweat every win denied to the US that we win the event, doubles the impact on the medal standing of that event for the US vs Ja rivalry, we have a narrow tight window so we must maximize that.
Yes Usain is our once in 50 years opportunity, we must maximize that value now with the least cost to Usain and I think the 4*4 is the best vehicle to get him there.
So three in Beijing, 4 in London and possibly the same 4 years later that is 11 possible Olympic gold. Same for WC which he should break anyway, even though he has missed a critical one here in Daegu!
Carl has 9 Olmpic gold, and 8 WC gold, seventeen T&F majors, Usain now has 3 OG and 4 WCG, possibly 5 WCG if we do wat we supposed to do tomorrow.
This is the T&F version of the 18 majors Jack Nickalaus record that Ja and usain needs to own to complete the Legend of the Lightning Bolt!!!