Just read this comment - Sickko can you enlighten me
The Truth
I have tried to take a neutral approach to this news about Steve.
I know several of the World’s best track athletes personally and something does not make sense to me about this story. I am just going to throw some info out there questions I am asking myself. Questions I think all journalist should be asking. Since you guys took credit about breaking the story. Are you aware that a female athlete that trains with Mullings went to Jamaica ahead of trial and started rumors about what she had heard them talking about in their camp? So Steve went into trials an outcast. She claim to JAAA and Athletes that she heard the Rumor that Mullings first positive yrs. ago was an actual set up. He took the fall for a bigger athlete because he was an outsider (not training in Jamaica).
Next are you aware that 2 days after National Trials someone close to Steve Mullings was emailed by a member of the racers track club asking if Steve was going to give his spot up so he could go to Worlds Championship. So 2 days after trials this Athlete knew that Mullings “Failed a drug test", 2 days but yet Mullings was not noticed until almost 2 months when he wouldnt have enough time to defend himself. I want to know how would an Athlete from Racers obtain information that is to be confidential to JADCO until the Athlete in question is notified.
Are you aware that its heavy rumored that if a Particular Athlete didn’t participate in World 2011 he would be drop from his contract with his Shoe Company so they had to throw Mullings under the bus.
Do you know Jamaica Athletes and coaches hate the fact that Mullings and Tyson Gay are best friends? This is a sport not the coldwar USA vs JAM...
I also saw the story trackalerts ran about the schedule hearing for Mullings which he was unaware of seriously they scheduled it 2 days after the deadline. Plus how do you have a hearing without the B sample done?
Are you aware that Mullings was tested before and after national trials and the results were negative showed no abnormal finding?
Just things to consider
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The Truth
I have tried to take a neutral approach to this news about Steve.
I know several of the World’s best track athletes personally and something does not make sense to me about this story. I am just going to throw some info out there questions I am asking myself. Questions I think all journalist should be asking. Since you guys took credit about breaking the story. Are you aware that a female athlete that trains with Mullings went to Jamaica ahead of trial and started rumors about what she had heard them talking about in their camp? So Steve went into trials an outcast. She claim to JAAA and Athletes that she heard the Rumor that Mullings first positive yrs. ago was an actual set up. He took the fall for a bigger athlete because he was an outsider (not training in Jamaica).
Next are you aware that 2 days after National Trials someone close to Steve Mullings was emailed by a member of the racers track club asking if Steve was going to give his spot up so he could go to Worlds Championship. So 2 days after trials this Athlete knew that Mullings “Failed a drug test", 2 days but yet Mullings was not noticed until almost 2 months when he wouldnt have enough time to defend himself. I want to know how would an Athlete from Racers obtain information that is to be confidential to JADCO until the Athlete in question is notified.
Are you aware that its heavy rumored that if a Particular Athlete didn’t participate in World 2011 he would be drop from his contract with his Shoe Company so they had to throw Mullings under the bus.
Do you know Jamaica Athletes and coaches hate the fact that Mullings and Tyson Gay are best friends? This is a sport not the coldwar USA vs JAM...
I also saw the story trackalerts ran about the schedule hearing for Mullings which he was unaware of seriously they scheduled it 2 days after the deadline. Plus how do you have a hearing without the B sample done?
Are you aware that Mullings was tested before and after national trials and the results were negative showed no abnormal finding?
Just things to consider
Have a good day..
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