In this MMA bout J.R. Fuller (on the right) pulled a bull$#!+ move, as his opponent, Jonathan Harris, wanted to touch gloves at the start of the fight.
Harris holds his glove up. Fuller made a move as if to touch gloves,
then tried to fake out Fuller and went for a double leg takedown. Harris saw that and Fuller ate Harris' knee, resulting in a five-second KO, or in MMA terms, getting knocked the puck out.
In this MMA bout J.R. Fuller (on the right) pulled a bull$#!+ move, as his opponent, Jonathan Harris, wanted to touch gloves at the start of the fight.
Harris holds his glove up. Fuller made a move as if to touch gloves,
then tried to fake out Fuller and went for a double leg takedown. Harris saw that and Fuller ate Harris' knee, resulting in a five-second KO, or in MMA terms, getting knocked the puck out.