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What if Gatlin were inocent?

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  • What if Gatlin were inocent?


  • #2
    See Benny Motto rip into Gatlin:

    1. He "takes credit" but takes no responsibility, and points the finger directly at me by saying he didn't do a background check on me. However, he was told everything about me. Nike also knew everything about me and hired me. That only leaves Trevor, and he is a known DrugsCoach.

    2. He said he tried to take his case to a courtroom and also claimed to take a lie detector test. Yet he never brought his doctor who prescribed the B12 shot to testify nor did he produce Randall Evans, who gave him the shot, to the USADA hearing to help prove his innocence. He also does not recall that he failed to give me a lie detector test and I offered him, Renaldo Nehemiah, his investigative team Safir Roseti, the Feds, USADA, and the Washington Post the opportunity to polygraph me on multiple occassions. This does not make sense at all.Why would you not polygraph the person and then point the finger at them forever? BECAUSE YOU ARE GUILTY, THAT IS WHY!!!

    3. He wants to be able to hold HIS head up high. Then just cop to the truth and quit blaming me. He blames Marion and Tim, et al as well for his maltreatment.

    4 He says is not paying attention to Dwain Chambers situation. Big mistake. Regardless of whatever DC has done, he copped to doping, Justin has not. And Dwain couldn't get a meet.

    5 He is apologetic to the European meeting organizers and wants them to "welcome him with open arms" because he is an example of a person who has "manned up to their own faults". Since he has "served his time", he needs to be able to "show whether he is legit or not". UUM, is anybody listening to the real evidence in the case or just buying this line of bs?

    6 He believes that the sport is doing a good job of "weeding out those who are purposefully trying to cheat". Sounds like they already did that in 2006 when they tested for exogenous testosterone and popped Justin Gatlin in a one off meet.

    7 He describes his future as on who is going to "have to get their passport ready and fly 7 hours to a foreign country again". He will "shoot for the stars and hopefully land on the moon". Well, at least the daydreaming analogy fits. The European organizers aren't going to let the cheats into their meets, they say.

    8 He wants to be remembered in the sport"after the dust settles as a good person, and a great competitor who has defied the odds". I challenge Justin Gatlin to defy the odds long established by all of all the other dopers who had stupid excuses and just come clean. His case may be the stupidest of all. He refused to test the evidence, bring in the doctor or polygraph the alleged culprit. How stupid are we supposed to be??

    He should start by coming clean. The USADA transcripts describe Justin as a man who was "less than truthful" about the nature and number of injections he received, and the fact that he was caught describing, in open court to Travis Tygart, banned Testosterone undeconate pills (memo's famous "beans") and calling them voltaren, an over the counter NSAID routinely purchased in europe. That is not indicative of a man with a high IQ> They also criticized him for testing everything in his kit including his cereal, but not bothering to test all of the matrials that I willingly provided Safir Rosetti, his legal investigative team.
    He doesn't bring in his doctor or the man who injected him, doesn't test ANY of the substances I used on him, and is found in the narrative to be "less than truthful " about the principal elements of his case.

    And yet someday he will be vindicated. Yeah, Right!!

    My .02

    BTW: Justin should throw all of his support behind www.Killaroid.com
    He is the type of person that is killing the sport with his ROIDS!


    *Dutch 8:04 Steeplechaser Declared Fully Innocent In Major Drug Doping Case

    AMSTERDAM -- Former athlete Simon Vroemen will consider legal action by the Independent Institute, since now sports law has acquitted him of a doping offense. Vroemen in the summer of 2008 after a match in Cottbus tested positive for the muscle-enhancing means metandienon and missed participating in the Olympic Games in Beijing.

    In A race in Cottbus in the European Championships in the 3000 meter steeplechase with 8.12,50 to the limit for the Games. After he underwent a doping test at his own request. Both the A-test and counter-expertise was positive. His acquittal by the Institute of Sports Justice is primarily based on the fact that the doping laboratorium in Cologne urine sample was stored unrefrigerated Vroemen five days.

    "The anti-asthma means that I used (Pulmicort) is temperature sensitive. Because the sample was stored unrefrigerated,it changed the chemical structure and this was apparently similar to that of metandienon" said Vroemen, which thanks to the extensive network of his father in the biochemistry in his defense was assisted by two renowned scientists, Dr. Vreeken and Dr Kootstra. .""I have been fortunate in a good network and I could spend tons of money of my defense, because you need both for a case like this to win."

    The athletic union advises its disappointment over the course of events in Cologne.


    Go ahead, Purell, make it so!
    cash in on my .02
    Tell it all. Tell me what you saw in the tape. Quote the investigators. Bring in some crazy theories!! Tell us about the tape. Please tell us about the tape.

    I'm not going to. And if you have any real brains, you know why.
    So you can go sell crazy somewhere else, Purell. I'm not taking the bait!!

    Break down Justin's USADA trial while you are at it.
    That is all that I'm doing. Exposing the truth in an area where noone has really taken the time to do so. His stories are not consistent with the truth. You don't seem to be bothered that he , Sanya and Lauryn were the faces of clean sport and then he turned around and came up dirty. Personally, I care a great deal about the sport and am quite offended by the obvious lack of character demonstrated by a person of such high profile in the sport. He screwed the sport that gave him everything and wants a free pass back in with a smile and a wag of the finger at me? I don't think so.

    My .02

    Thanks for the logical, non caustic response to my probe into what has become a dark chapter not just for me personally, but ANOTHER dark chapter for our sport.

    I have thought about this idea of why athletes get to have this or that time stand, not to mention a record of some sort that was achieved prior to their positive test. and I have come to agree with your position in that they should be removed to perform as a further deterrent to doping.

    That said, I have looked back and come up with a pretty good idea of when Justin started doping, not only by Trevor's personal comments to me, but in Justin's behaviors as well.

    The same is true for Marion. I don't believe that she was doping the whole time. Nonetheless, prior achievements being wiped from the books could provide further deterrent. My personal feelings on the Gatlin affair stem from the position of the promoters at this time. They are private entities and need to protect their product. Allowing lying, unrepentent DrugsCheats into their meets could compromise that goal. And then there would be less track. I will take less Justin Gatlin as opposed to less track, wouldn't you?


    • #3
      him cyaan just go one side?



      • #4
        How can you share information with authorities about drugs and be innocent at the same time?


        • #5
          He has a 2005 World Championship gold medal that belongs to Jamaica's Michael Frater.
          The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


          • #6
            Yuh nuh!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Time View Post
              He has a 2005 World Championship gold medal that belongs to Jamaica's Michael Frater.
              That's right!


              • #8
                what if god was one of us?
                Last edited by Gamma; February 16, 2010, 03:35 PM.

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  and we intend to have it returned to its rightful owner.

                  jamaica has never bigged up frater for that wonderful silver (actually gold) medal run.

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    I bigged him up personally.

                    Idneed, I recently found out he is a distant cousin.


                    • #11
                      Bway between you and Gamma unu must be related to the whole a Jamaica. LOL.


                      • #12
                        but a whey di?!!! ... come to think of it...yuh might have a point...but i think karl have di whole a wi beat still!

                        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                        • #13

                          Mi have Ulster spring roots.

                          I shoulda run track to fahleetee.


                          • #14
                            same ting mi say! what if ...well, what if anything? the blogger like she was consuming some fancy mushrooms...
                            Peter R

