JAAA needs $$$ for athletes support
Posted by admin on Oct 1st, 2009 and filed under Featured 591 views Print This Post Email This Post
KINGSTON – President of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association, Howard Aris, is saying that to adequately fund the country’s track & field programme a cost of $200 million (US$ 2 258 723) would be incurred.
JAAA President Howard Aris (left), 1St VP Grace Jackson (centre) and secretary Garth Gayle at a recently held association function. TrackAlerts.com Photo
He added that the primary aim of such a budget would be “to assist the athletes in their preparation, medical expenses, meals and housing expenses.”
This would avoid them the burden of having to work and as a result, spend more time perfecting their talents on the track.
“If we have the money, ideally, we would spend half on the athletes as we spent on teams going abroad,” Aris said.
“That to me would be a good mix because the whole idea [is that] you train to represent Jamaica and therefore there should be some balance between how much you assist in preparation and how much you spend in competing.”
The annual cost to send teams to overseas meets is normally over $60 million (US$ 677 583).
The country’s CARIFTA Games party comprises over 80 members each year while the Central America and Caribbean (CAC) Junior Championships accounts for a similar number every two years.
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Jamaica also sends athletes to World Championships, World Juniors, World Youths, the North, Central America and the Caribbean (NACAC) Under-23 and Cross Country Championships, and the Pan Am Junior Championships.
“When you check our records, we spend somewhere between $60 to 70 million every year just to send teams abroad,” he said, while adding teams were growing in number because of Jamaica’s recent successes.
Aris noted, however, that his association has received more sponsorship in the last four years than ever.
He also defended the JAAA’s record in helping local athletes.
“The whole question is whether or not we have enough money to give to our athletes,” Aris said.
“We do try to assist every athlete that asks, but not all athletes ask and therefore if someone does not ask, then it is difficult to know that they have needs … and there are athletes who never ask because they never have needs.”
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The clubs should be the backbone of the system. Any role that the JAAA plays would have to be mimimal, tighly regulated and fairly administered (no friend business.)

KINGSTON – President of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association, Howard Aris, is saying that to adequately fund the country’s track & field programme a cost of $200 million (US$ 2 258 723) would be incurred.

JAAA President Howard Aris (left), 1St VP Grace Jackson (centre) and secretary Garth Gayle at a recently held association function. TrackAlerts.com Photo
He added that the primary aim of such a budget would be “to assist the athletes in their preparation, medical expenses, meals and housing expenses.”
This would avoid them the burden of having to work and as a result, spend more time perfecting their talents on the track.
“If we have the money, ideally, we would spend half on the athletes as we spent on teams going abroad,” Aris said.
“That to me would be a good mix because the whole idea [is that] you train to represent Jamaica and therefore there should be some balance between how much you assist in preparation and how much you spend in competing.”
The annual cost to send teams to overseas meets is normally over $60 million (US$ 677 583).
The country’s CARIFTA Games party comprises over 80 members each year while the Central America and Caribbean (CAC) Junior Championships accounts for a similar number every two years.
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Jamaica also sends athletes to World Championships, World Juniors, World Youths, the North, Central America and the Caribbean (NACAC) Under-23 and Cross Country Championships, and the Pan Am Junior Championships.
“When you check our records, we spend somewhere between $60 to 70 million every year just to send teams abroad,” he said, while adding teams were growing in number because of Jamaica’s recent successes.
Aris noted, however, that his association has received more sponsorship in the last four years than ever.
He also defended the JAAA’s record in helping local athletes.
“The whole question is whether or not we have enough money to give to our athletes,” Aris said.
“We do try to assist every athlete that asks, but not all athletes ask and therefore if someone does not ask, then it is difficult to know that they have needs … and there are athletes who never ask because they never have needs.”
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The clubs should be the backbone of the system. Any role that the JAAA plays would have to be mimimal, tighly regulated and fairly administered (no friend business.)