Originally posted by Historian
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Then off the top of my head I think of 2 who did even more than that - ...mmmm? 3? ....4?
Men - Jessie Owens & Carl Lewis?
Women - There was this lady from I think - 1920a 0r 1930s or 1940s Fanny something or other?
Wilma Rudolph & Flo Jo!
Then there are those who did 'more' -
e.g. MJ & Valrie Brisko-Hooks? ...I think there was a German woman of the doping era and then there was the Czechosolovakia - Jarmila whatever?
Historian: There are numerous...too many to mention who proves it doable.
*I think you are missing the runners' best ever times as being the only true comparable to time reproduced at these games?
E.g. If my best ever times were say 10.00 and 20.00 for 100M & 200M respectable...I have ot failed to perform if I do not get a medal and run 9.98 and 19.98 in the finals.
*...and pehaps it should be SB taking all matters such as recent injuries, etc. and time these occurred relative to the major games where 'peak' is expected?
VCB - Taking into consideration her SBs in the 100M and the 200M and the injuries...note? - injuries!...and training time loss...and when lost...did very well.
I saw her running into form using the 100M...but I thought she had fully recovered from her toe injury. How she could reproduce the times she did with a toe not fully healed...and thus that toes must have been getting more and more aggravated and re-injuried is beyond
my comprehension

She is warrior and of champion's mettle of no mean order. Tears came to my eyes when I heard she was still injuries....she ran with that injuries toe.
Damn! Damn! ...she is out of this world!
