Sangster owes 'Fortis' family an apology
Published: Thursday | September 10, 2009
Sangster The Editor, Sir:
I am quite disturbed by the forum provided by your paper to Alfred Sangster in the Sunday Gleaner of September 6. He started out defining the historical missteps taken over the years at major track and field championships, with the point of departure being the 1968 debacle of Herbert McDonald carrying the flag into the Olympic Stadium through to problems in Berlin 2009. The historical order and brief history attempted to set out the table of events as they unfolded.
However, as a proud and supportive member of the Kingston College family, I found the attack on Kingston College old boys to be disingenuous. The attempt to portray the members of the 'Fortis family', as well as their staff, along with the 'KC label' as the root cause of what has happened is dishonest. This seems to smell of an unnatural bias and I don't know why this is so.
There was no definitive mention of the missteps of Herbert McDonald, Richard Ashenheim or that of the great Herb McKinley (and I say that with sincerity) - who incidentally was instrumental in helping KC to be the first Jamaican team to run in the Penn Relays.
Attack on their legacies
The tensions created and public displays of revolt by athletes in the past particularly stemmed from some of Herbert Mcdonald's decisions but there was no attack on their legacies or public images by Sangster. I don't want people to be attacked per se but rather that constructive criticism and viable solutions be offered instead.
The vitriol smacks of a personal bias against my extended family and I am seriously offended as I am sure are all of the family members.
The call for the removal of the current leadership of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association, thereby, giving the impression that these issues are recent, disrespects the intelligence of the reading public. I must have missed his paragraph about the Jamaica College connection or when Herb was in charge, the Calabar connection.
The call for a way forward does not, should not include an attack on Kingston College old boys. Sangster was interviewed on KLAS FM and struggled to give coherent answers to questions thrown at him; it was quite embarrassing to hear him provide non-answers.
The Fortis family should demand an immediate apology for this attack.
I am, etc.,
2A North Street
Published: Thursday | September 10, 2009

Sangster The Editor, Sir:
I am quite disturbed by the forum provided by your paper to Alfred Sangster in the Sunday Gleaner of September 6. He started out defining the historical missteps taken over the years at major track and field championships, with the point of departure being the 1968 debacle of Herbert McDonald carrying the flag into the Olympic Stadium through to problems in Berlin 2009. The historical order and brief history attempted to set out the table of events as they unfolded.
However, as a proud and supportive member of the Kingston College family, I found the attack on Kingston College old boys to be disingenuous. The attempt to portray the members of the 'Fortis family', as well as their staff, along with the 'KC label' as the root cause of what has happened is dishonest. This seems to smell of an unnatural bias and I don't know why this is so.
There was no definitive mention of the missteps of Herbert McDonald, Richard Ashenheim or that of the great Herb McKinley (and I say that with sincerity) - who incidentally was instrumental in helping KC to be the first Jamaican team to run in the Penn Relays.
Attack on their legacies
The tensions created and public displays of revolt by athletes in the past particularly stemmed from some of Herbert Mcdonald's decisions but there was no attack on their legacies or public images by Sangster. I don't want people to be attacked per se but rather that constructive criticism and viable solutions be offered instead.
The vitriol smacks of a personal bias against my extended family and I am seriously offended as I am sure are all of the family members.
The call for the removal of the current leadership of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association, thereby, giving the impression that these issues are recent, disrespects the intelligence of the reading public. I must have missed his paragraph about the Jamaica College connection or when Herb was in charge, the Calabar connection.
The call for a way forward does not, should not include an attack on Kingston College old boys. Sangster was interviewed on KLAS FM and struggled to give coherent answers to questions thrown at him; it was quite embarrassing to hear him provide non-answers.
The Fortis family should demand an immediate apology for this attack.
I am, etc.,
2A North Street