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Veronica Tells Her Side!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Islandman View Post
    Very good points, I was going to make some of them myself this morning but you have done a much better job.

    It seems to me that whatever the final team was, there was going to be someone who was ****************ed off. The final decision was probably made too late (don't know all the details to say for sure). but sometimes we need to stop jumping at the first opportunity to bash the coaches and wait till we hear ALL (4 or 5 ) sides.

    So Exile, maybe there IS a role for a national coach in the setup, and
    "work out something for the relays" might not be such a good plan?

    As usual there is probably no totally "right" or "wrong" side. And imagine after all of that we still managed to somehow win the gold, thanks to great depth and some luck.

    Good chat, sah!

    btw - I am thinking you meant not -
    So Exile, maybe there IS a role for a national coach in the setup, and
    "work out something for the relays" might not be such a good plan?
    So Exile, maybe there IS a role for a national coach in the setup, and
    "work out something for the relays" might be a good plan?
    Right? ..or are there earlier posts I should have read that would have allowed me to follow the reasoning?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #17
      Mosiah since my name in it I assume you were addressing me directly... VCB went to camp with the infected toe acting up but wanted to stay in Greece and have it looked after but since her manager and the JAAA dont see eye to eye, they took the decision not to risk even being late for camp.

      Yes maybe we wished VCB would be a bit more outgoing and act like Aleen or Bolt but...what can we?

      As for which hands the athltes take the baton in for the spirnt relay...look back at the men's 4x100m relay and see which hand Asafa had the baton in when he crossed the line- maybe he is "amphibious" as one of my co-workers once pointed out about his ability to use both hands equally well.

      I also give you Bolt's not so perfect example of changing hands with the baton...

      I spoke to a few doctors about the apendix operation still being a factor four months later and they said the soft tissues in the area could still be sore but if the person can run as fast as she did plus run the 200m at Trials in late June, maybe what we heard was not the entire truth.

      As for the FACT that athletes cant or shouldnt demand where they run on relay teams- I took the liberyty to call TWO past JAAA presidents and two former Olympians- one male and one female and people who have acted as senior management on teams in the past.

      I never pretend I know every thing but I have been able to build up a network who I can call on to be fairly accurate in what I say.
      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #18
        SIGH... usually we dont even know who these people are, the agents, normally they stay in the backgorund but I do blame the media to a point for making these worker ants the mouth pieces they have become.
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #19
          lots of unanswered questions, but we will believe what we want to believe.



          • #20
            Originally posted by Sickko View Post
            I took the liberyty to call TWO past JAAA presidents and two former Olympians- one male and one female and people who have acted as senior management on teams in the past.
            ....and they said what?
            "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


            • #21
              True Karl..One bad year dont mean the athlete is done, well two ba dyear sin the 100m and yes we have three women now who will run faster than VCB in her present shape but there is a grave danger in writing off a 27 year old who has done almost everything..but as we hear she is too uppity as she has not won a WC 200 noir an Olympic 100m so mek her gwaan wid her foolishness..
              Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
              Che Guevara.


              • #22
                'As for the FACT that athletes cant or shouldnt demand where they run on relay teams- I took the liberyty to call TWO past JAAA presidents and two former Olympians- one male and one female and people who have acted as senior management on teams in the past.'

                'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                • #23
                  Sickko wrote FACT in caps, so I'm thinking he is saying the presidents and Olympians agreed that athletes cannot demand.

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                    Sickko, here are my problems with the entire thing:

                    1. VCB has not shown the best attitude since being kicked from the top of Jamaica's sprinting pedestal. Those days are now officially over. Get used to it, VCB!

                    2. If VCB had a problem with her toe, it must have happened after the 200m final because she ran the best curve of all the athletes. This after 2 other rounds! So, this idea that she would be unable to run the 1st or 3rd legs...hmmm.

                    3. There is also talk about Shelly Ann being unable to run the curves because of her appendix surgery. Well, was that surgery done after the national trials? Shelly Ann ran a very good 200m at the national trials and no one heard about any problems. If there are indeed problems, shouldn't this have been communicated to "the authorities" long before this?

                    4. If Kerron stated that she must run the anchor, then that too would be foolishness. Team members can't dictate what they do in such a set up. Seems like a logical choice, but not the best interest of TEAM.

                    5. It appears that there wasn't much practice, if any, between the girls at any time. If that's the case, what's this story about VCB not training to run anything else but anchor?!? Receiving a baton and passing it on successfully, is hardly rocket surgery!

                    6. Equally silly is this talk from Kerron that she is left-handed and she believes that might have contributed to the mess up in Beijing, where she would have to take the baton in her right-hand. Imagine the JAAA having to add one more question to the athletes' profile questionnaire - Which hand is more dexterous? - and then picking a relay team based on that!

                    Unnu can stay deh. I won't believe the first, second or third thing that comes out of these athletes' mouths, or their agents. Especially when it just doesn't add up!

                    a) It appears that VCB arguement is solid, she want going to Greece to get a pedicure. Maybe anchor leg her pride was at stake but her arguement is solid. Lets give the Queen the benefit of the doubt.

                    n) Mosiah, it was reported that SAF did complain of feeling pain in that area sometime after the 100m semi final. Lets give Franno the benefit of the doubt.

                    Big up VCB, the queen.
                    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                    • #25
                      That athltes cannot and should not demand anything in relays... coaches should be allowed to decide line up not runners
                      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                      Che Guevara.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Sickko View Post
                        That athltes cannot and should not demand anything in relays... coaches should be allowed to decide line up not runners
                        Hehee - well even the coach mess up in this respek

                        Coach to athlete; Hey VC wha leg yuh waan run - 1st leg or 3rd leg?
                        Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                        - Langston Hughes


                        • #27
                          This was an inexperienced coach at this level...high school coach dealing with professional athletes...I think if it was another coach with more experience say Fitz Coleman dealing with it, we may have seen another result.
                          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                          Che Guevara.


                          • #28
                            I agree with the substance of your email...but consider this:
                            Lets be logical here.

                            VC said she only trained for anchor. Kerron who went to the JAAA camp and has the fastest top end speed, said she cant run the bend due to knee issues and that is why she stopped doubling.

                            SAF nuh run anchor! SAF denied nothing to VC and she is the only non-campist.In otherwords, if SAF withdrew like VC did, VC would STILL not have run unless KS gave up the anchor.ot

                            So how unno a blame MVP for this??? What MVP have to do with a VC/ Kerron bakkle??


                            • #29
                              Go watch the video again, Asafa took the baton in his left hand and finished that way.

                              Mi never see him switch hands with the baton...EVER.

                              Careless journalism...as usual.

