Stephen ‘Franno’ Francis is a Genius
Posted by admin on Aug 20th, 2009 and filed under Berlin Through Enigma's Eyes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
Berlin through my eyes … By Enigma
The last time I sat in an English class I was fourteen years old. I am scientific by nature and can fool around with numbers for hours, but trying to put a story together is not my fortay. I can ramble though, so if you can follow my ramblings, hang on and let’s go for a ride. One rule though, you have to let me discuss the topics I like to discuss. So hop on the wagon and let’s go…cloppity clop!
MVP…Stephen Francis and Paul Francis…Two great sons of Jamaica’s soil who have found a formula to make sprinters run fast when it matters most. Two great, great people. Paul is kind and accomodating to a fault and is everyone’s friend, Stephen is brusque, arrogant, loud and has no friends…but amazingly, no athlete ever leaves his camp and they all seem to flourish under his guidance, all eighty of them, so maybe we’ll have to revisit his brusqueness, arrogance and loudness, maybe we were misled. Clyde Hart had two, one left and returned. Lance Brauman has a hand full, one leaves every year to pursue speed in Florida…see my point? Someone is telling lies.
Back to younger brother Paul. Cool, don’t sweat the small stuff and has a very interesting relationship with his older brother Stephen known as ‘the Genius’. For example, if you are a stranger and you approach a group of fans catering to Franno, if Paul is in that group, you would never know they are brothers and that’s because Paul treats Franno like every other person who is in awe of him does. If Franno barks at his athletes during practice and they all cringe, Paul cringes too.
Now before we go further, let’s discuss Franno’s ‘bark’. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Answer: The best thing. Why? Because, according to legend, if he stops barking at you, it means that he has written you off and he doesn’t think you have the goods to make it as a world class athlete anymore, plus, it keeps the athletes in check, something young people need, it makes them work harder and prevents any form of outside influence, which is something that is overlooked in the sport but is very prevalent and destructive to young trusting athletes.
Paul refers to his older brother Stephen as ‘Franno’ and cannot stop marvelling at how Stephen can come up with new ideas to make athletes Maximize their Velocity and Power. He say’s to me, "Bredrin, I know nothing, I follow orders from Franno. He is the one who reads non-stop and understands complexities well".
Berlin was supposed to be the place where the American athletes got their redemption from what was to them ‘a big flop’ in Beijing. Beijing on the other hand was supposed to be this ‘big fluke’ for Jamaican athletes like Shelly Ann Fraser, Melaine Walker and other medalists like Shericka Williams, all under the tutelage of our subject for this lesson, Franno. No way could they repeat those stellar performances of ‘the summer of 2008′, after all, the ‘year after’ is always the let down year, they say.
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Stephen Francis’s MVP was being monitored since the year birthed January. His plans though were completly different from mouth watering fans’ who demanded nothing less than weekly outstanding performances and love great match-ups. Fans have this crazy notion of thinking athletes shouldn’t stop racing to train a few months out of the year, they should always be running at Olympic standards. Stephen Francis thinks otherwise, you see he believes in something we have fondly grown to call ‘heavy legs’. His athletes wear them 90% of the time before a Major event, they then take them off and beat up on everyone else at the Majors and every other race after until Xmas brings their competition mercy.
So as January 2008 dawned, Franno put on his blinders, turned up his headphones and started conditioning his athletes. His train was going to make one stop before it got to Berlin and that was in June at Jamaica’s National trials. They stopped there, conquered, booked their tickets to Berlin and went back to heavy legs, the fans didn’t comply, they hated heavy legs, they threw a fit and threw MVP under the bus. They all did with the exception of a faithful few. Who are the the faithful few? Ask around
Berlin was no different than the previous year but for a few exceptions, but overall it was productive for MVP and for Jamaica. Usain Bolt is an outstanding athlete who is rewriting the record books at such a dizzying pace, it seems like a fairy tale. It seems too good to be true. Will athletics finally come to par with soccer and baseball? If it ever stood a chance, it is now. Athletes are going to have to face their share of the economic recession that has hit the world though and some of the marqee names are already crying out from dwindling contracts even though they got the same colour medal this year or better, but all in all athletics is at it’s finest and we have to thank believers like Stephen Francis, Paul Francis and other outstanding coaches like Glen Mills, for taking it to another enjoyable level.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views or position of

The last time I sat in an English class I was fourteen years old. I am scientific by nature and can fool around with numbers for hours, but trying to put a story together is not my fortay. I can ramble though, so if you can follow my ramblings, hang on and let’s go for a ride. One rule though, you have to let me discuss the topics I like to discuss. So hop on the wagon and let’s go…cloppity clop!
MVP…Stephen Francis and Paul Francis…Two great sons of Jamaica’s soil who have found a formula to make sprinters run fast when it matters most. Two great, great people. Paul is kind and accomodating to a fault and is everyone’s friend, Stephen is brusque, arrogant, loud and has no friends…but amazingly, no athlete ever leaves his camp and they all seem to flourish under his guidance, all eighty of them, so maybe we’ll have to revisit his brusqueness, arrogance and loudness, maybe we were misled. Clyde Hart had two, one left and returned. Lance Brauman has a hand full, one leaves every year to pursue speed in Florida…see my point? Someone is telling lies.
Back to younger brother Paul. Cool, don’t sweat the small stuff and has a very interesting relationship with his older brother Stephen known as ‘the Genius’. For example, if you are a stranger and you approach a group of fans catering to Franno, if Paul is in that group, you would never know they are brothers and that’s because Paul treats Franno like every other person who is in awe of him does. If Franno barks at his athletes during practice and they all cringe, Paul cringes too.
Now before we go further, let’s discuss Franno’s ‘bark’. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Answer: The best thing. Why? Because, according to legend, if he stops barking at you, it means that he has written you off and he doesn’t think you have the goods to make it as a world class athlete anymore, plus, it keeps the athletes in check, something young people need, it makes them work harder and prevents any form of outside influence, which is something that is overlooked in the sport but is very prevalent and destructive to young trusting athletes.
Paul refers to his older brother Stephen as ‘Franno’ and cannot stop marvelling at how Stephen can come up with new ideas to make athletes Maximize their Velocity and Power. He say’s to me, "Bredrin, I know nothing, I follow orders from Franno. He is the one who reads non-stop and understands complexities well".
Berlin was supposed to be the place where the American athletes got their redemption from what was to them ‘a big flop’ in Beijing. Beijing on the other hand was supposed to be this ‘big fluke’ for Jamaican athletes like Shelly Ann Fraser, Melaine Walker and other medalists like Shericka Williams, all under the tutelage of our subject for this lesson, Franno. No way could they repeat those stellar performances of ‘the summer of 2008′, after all, the ‘year after’ is always the let down year, they say.
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Stephen Francis’s MVP was being monitored since the year birthed January. His plans though were completly different from mouth watering fans’ who demanded nothing less than weekly outstanding performances and love great match-ups. Fans have this crazy notion of thinking athletes shouldn’t stop racing to train a few months out of the year, they should always be running at Olympic standards. Stephen Francis thinks otherwise, you see he believes in something we have fondly grown to call ‘heavy legs’. His athletes wear them 90% of the time before a Major event, they then take them off and beat up on everyone else at the Majors and every other race after until Xmas brings their competition mercy.
So as January 2008 dawned, Franno put on his blinders, turned up his headphones and started conditioning his athletes. His train was going to make one stop before it got to Berlin and that was in June at Jamaica’s National trials. They stopped there, conquered, booked their tickets to Berlin and went back to heavy legs, the fans didn’t comply, they hated heavy legs, they threw a fit and threw MVP under the bus. They all did with the exception of a faithful few. Who are the the faithful few? Ask around

Berlin was no different than the previous year but for a few exceptions, but overall it was productive for MVP and for Jamaica. Usain Bolt is an outstanding athlete who is rewriting the record books at such a dizzying pace, it seems like a fairy tale. It seems too good to be true. Will athletics finally come to par with soccer and baseball? If it ever stood a chance, it is now. Athletes are going to have to face their share of the economic recession that has hit the world though and some of the marqee names are already crying out from dwindling contracts even though they got the same colour medal this year or better, but all in all athletics is at it’s finest and we have to thank believers like Stephen Francis, Paul Francis and other outstanding coaches like Glen Mills, for taking it to another enjoyable level.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views or position of