Sickko a dis me did a beg of you the other day when you went away. MadamX, you too last year at Beijing.
Jamaicans and Americans face to face off the track
Posted by admin on Aug 20th, 2009 and filed under Berlin Through Enigma's Eyes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
Berlin through my eyes … By Enigma
The Americans can be heard consoling each other that all is not lost and they can still take the relays. They brought in former American sprinter Harvey Glance to oversee this part of their program. The Jamaican relay squads are being directed by former Jamaican sprinter Don Quarrie, they are not full strength and is presently trying to spin gold out of hay .
Regardless however, every foreigner with an European accent, furtively let’s the Jamaicans know they are the new Kings and Queens of track and field.
On the trains, on the buses, in the city, every Jamaican who sports any wear that ties them to the Island is revered. Even if the language barrier hits you smack in the face, the words Usain Bolt comes through clearly.
In the city of Berlin after hours, the streets are littered with stoned, zoned-out young people. They approach you, they hug you and they laughingly let you know they are as high as a kite. It is not a fearful scene at all and if you resort to violence I am of the belief the polizei would look at you incredulously and wonder "How can you punch out this harmless person?" You have to be firm with them but understanding. After all it’s their city and it is safe 24/7. A feature most of us can’t claim, back in our own cities.
Tyson Gay is said to not have a great personality, (this according to his fellow athletes who tour with him year round). He is very approachable but is not a conversationalist, he hangs out with the guys, yes, but is usually in the background. I put it down to shyness and leave it at that.
Lauryn Williams is sweet, she is without a medal but seems to be one of the better put together persons here. She pulls her chair up and can chat sensibly for hours on end. Michelle Perry too, she is limping around but is a sweet person, shockingly skinny too, as is Doc Patton, TV images are illusionary.
Wariner is unfriendly to the point of hostile, I blame LaShawn Merritt for this and I am willing to give Wariner a bye, he is maybe obsessed with retaining his number one spot and is probably in his zone.
Sanya can do no wrong, she is tall, pretty and a Gold medal recipient. Good person but doesn’t go out of her way to be friendly, like say Debbie Ferguson, who is always smiling and greeting.
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All the reporters are looking for Bolt, if you want to be on television just say you are Bolt’s uncle or cousin. I remember one night we were doing interviews with a Swiss TV crew, pretending to be Bolt’s relatives, when who should walk by but his real parents. They are the toast of the town but Mom’s seems as if she’d prefer to be somewhere else, I think this is too overwhelming for her whilst Dad is having a ball.
I had to ask him last night if they saw this coming when Usain was a kid and he said they hadn’t the slightest clue.
Shericka, Novlene and Kenia are best buddies, they are seldom seen apart. Shelly-Ann, Kerron and Aleen make up a formidable threesome too.
It was whispered to me by someone in the know that VCB is one of the best, that she is a really, really nice person to know. She did me a favor so promptly that I was left presently surprised, I was sure she would forget such a minor detail, so there might be a lot of truth in what I was told.
Asafa has made everyone really happy by his bronze medal performance, there is so much praises given to him, you’d think he was the one who got the WR gold. There is a space reserved for Asafa in every fans heart that no one can take away. It has to do with the way he has carried himself as a young man over the years and the responsibilities he has carried flawlesly as an ambassador for Jamaica. They also thinks he started the fire that is burning up the tracks now.
Jamaica has really been blessed with upstanding athletes over the years and to see Bolt play like a kid with the camera crew and joke around with everyone is another blessing Jamaicans should count. No scandals, no sordid affairs, no allegations are thrown the way of this crop of athletes. They are blessed and the country is blessed because of them.
Shelly Ann Fraser’s pre race routine with her coach before her gold medal race was, truly hilarious, I plan to put that down on paper soon. Sherone Simpson and Lolo Jones, two persons who were sure medalist at these Championships are hard at work throughout the games, we should see them soon in Zurich. They are both rearing to go.
Jamaicans and Americans face to face off the track

The Americans can be heard consoling each other that all is not lost and they can still take the relays. They brought in former American sprinter Harvey Glance to oversee this part of their program. The Jamaican relay squads are being directed by former Jamaican sprinter Don Quarrie, they are not full strength and is presently trying to spin gold out of hay .
Regardless however, every foreigner with an European accent, furtively let’s the Jamaicans know they are the new Kings and Queens of track and field.
On the trains, on the buses, in the city, every Jamaican who sports any wear that ties them to the Island is revered. Even if the language barrier hits you smack in the face, the words Usain Bolt comes through clearly.
In the city of Berlin after hours, the streets are littered with stoned, zoned-out young people. They approach you, they hug you and they laughingly let you know they are as high as a kite. It is not a fearful scene at all and if you resort to violence I am of the belief the polizei would look at you incredulously and wonder "How can you punch out this harmless person?" You have to be firm with them but understanding. After all it’s their city and it is safe 24/7. A feature most of us can’t claim, back in our own cities.
Tyson Gay is said to not have a great personality, (this according to his fellow athletes who tour with him year round). He is very approachable but is not a conversationalist, he hangs out with the guys, yes, but is usually in the background. I put it down to shyness and leave it at that.
Lauryn Williams is sweet, she is without a medal but seems to be one of the better put together persons here. She pulls her chair up and can chat sensibly for hours on end. Michelle Perry too, she is limping around but is a sweet person, shockingly skinny too, as is Doc Patton, TV images are illusionary.
Wariner is unfriendly to the point of hostile, I blame LaShawn Merritt for this and I am willing to give Wariner a bye, he is maybe obsessed with retaining his number one spot and is probably in his zone.
Sanya can do no wrong, she is tall, pretty and a Gold medal recipient. Good person but doesn’t go out of her way to be friendly, like say Debbie Ferguson, who is always smiling and greeting.
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All the reporters are looking for Bolt, if you want to be on television just say you are Bolt’s uncle or cousin. I remember one night we were doing interviews with a Swiss TV crew, pretending to be Bolt’s relatives, when who should walk by but his real parents. They are the toast of the town but Mom’s seems as if she’d prefer to be somewhere else, I think this is too overwhelming for her whilst Dad is having a ball.
I had to ask him last night if they saw this coming when Usain was a kid and he said they hadn’t the slightest clue.
Shericka, Novlene and Kenia are best buddies, they are seldom seen apart. Shelly-Ann, Kerron and Aleen make up a formidable threesome too.
It was whispered to me by someone in the know that VCB is one of the best, that she is a really, really nice person to know. She did me a favor so promptly that I was left presently surprised, I was sure she would forget such a minor detail, so there might be a lot of truth in what I was told.
Asafa has made everyone really happy by his bronze medal performance, there is so much praises given to him, you’d think he was the one who got the WR gold. There is a space reserved for Asafa in every fans heart that no one can take away. It has to do with the way he has carried himself as a young man over the years and the responsibilities he has carried flawlesly as an ambassador for Jamaica. They also thinks he started the fire that is burning up the tracks now.
Jamaica has really been blessed with upstanding athletes over the years and to see Bolt play like a kid with the camera crew and joke around with everyone is another blessing Jamaicans should count. No scandals, no sordid affairs, no allegations are thrown the way of this crop of athletes. They are blessed and the country is blessed because of them.
Shelly Ann Fraser’s pre race routine with her coach before her gold medal race was, truly hilarious, I plan to put that down on paper soon. Sherone Simpson and Lolo Jones, two persons who were sure medalist at these Championships are hard at work throughout the games, we should see them soon in Zurich. They are both rearing to go.