Who's next....Franno.....Mills?
Bolt’s house robbed
KINGSTON, Jamaica – The home of Jamaica’s 2008 Olympic Games hero Usain Bolt, was broken into and robbed in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, as his younger brother Sadeke Bolt slept in another room of the house, unharmed, throughout the whole incident.
The irony is, this robbery took place just mere hours before Usain laced up his spikes in the city of Ostrava Czechoslovakia, more than 26 hours of flying time away, to bring more joy to the proud nation of Jamaica, located South of Florida, in the Caribbean sea.
His house, which is located on Lady Musgrave Avenue, St Andrew, was broken into sometime between the hours of 12 midnight and 4a.m.
It was reported that the robbers took electronics valued at more than US$1,100.
Deputy Superintendent of St Andrew’s Central Police Station Michael Phipps, confirmed the breaking in, which he said was reported by Sadeke Bolt, who also lives at the premises.
Sadeke, who was sleeping at the time of the break in, could not be reached for comment, but Usain’s mom Jennifer Bolt confirmed the incident.
According to Jennifer Bolt, amongst the items stolen were, digital cameras, cellphones and a laptop – which alone were valued in the region of US$1,000.
"Those were all they took," added Jennifer, who also said "Sadeke was in another room sleeping at the time".
The scene was processed and investigations are still underway
<H1 class=itemtitle_inner>JAAA offices robbed
1,040 views KINGSTON, Jamaica – The offices of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association (JAAA) were broken into and robbed over the weekend.
According to the information reaching trackalerts, "The offices located at Independence Park Complex – National Arena, were broken into sometime between Friday evening after closing and Monday morning".
On reporting for work this morning, workers noticed the offices were in an unusual disarray and proceeded to notify all the relevant authorities.
The most important item missing from the office is a laptop computer, which the JAAA uses for the reaction times and the links system. Sporting gear and cash. They were unable to say how much money was taken or the value of the goods.
The matter has since been reported to the Stadium Police.
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Last week, Usain Bolt’s house was also broken into and robbed. We have not since been notified of anyone being arrested for that crime.
Coach Holness’ home robbed, appeals for stolen valuables
MANDEVILLE, Manchester – Manchester High School’s track and field coach Jerry Holness, home was broken into last Saturday and several items were stolen including 2 laptops, passports, cash, 3 external drives, thumb drives, bank books, other documents and several other important items.
Jerry has been one of the cornerstones and reasons for Jamaica’s continued success in the world of track and field at the High School and at a National level and instances like these can seriously cause a man to question the essence of his own existence.
"I just wanted me and my family to be respected" a shaken Jerry said. "I am well known in this community and to say that this was a random theft does not make sense to me. It just doesn’t add up".
"The way I live my life and the sacrifices myself and family make for the betterment of our community and for the country as a whole, the least we expect in return is to be respected. My whole life is centered around affecting our community in a positive way and it would take a real hardened soul to invade our privacy like this and take what is dear and precious to us. This is really a sad day for us".
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He is appealing for the return of the laptops and hard drives which contain important documents including the training programs for several athletes and other information needed to run the school’s track and field program. The laptop is for his daughter who attends university abroad and she needs it for study purposes.
He is further appealing the return of the passports in the names of Jerry Holness and Giselle Holness.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these items are asked to take them to Manchester High School or the nearest police station.
In June, The home of Jamaica’s 2008 Olympic Games hero Usain Bolt, was broken into and robbed in the wee hours of the morning, while days later the offices of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association (JAAA) were also broken into and robbed of computer and cash.
Trackalerts: "Please return all the things taken as they are very important to the owners and they cannot function without them".
Bolt’s house robbed
KINGSTON, Jamaica – The home of Jamaica’s 2008 Olympic Games hero Usain Bolt, was broken into and robbed in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, as his younger brother Sadeke Bolt slept in another room of the house, unharmed, throughout the whole incident.
The irony is, this robbery took place just mere hours before Usain laced up his spikes in the city of Ostrava Czechoslovakia, more than 26 hours of flying time away, to bring more joy to the proud nation of Jamaica, located South of Florida, in the Caribbean sea.
His house, which is located on Lady Musgrave Avenue, St Andrew, was broken into sometime between the hours of 12 midnight and 4a.m.
It was reported that the robbers took electronics valued at more than US$1,100.
Deputy Superintendent of St Andrew’s Central Police Station Michael Phipps, confirmed the breaking in, which he said was reported by Sadeke Bolt, who also lives at the premises.
Sadeke, who was sleeping at the time of the break in, could not be reached for comment, but Usain’s mom Jennifer Bolt confirmed the incident.
According to Jennifer Bolt, amongst the items stolen were, digital cameras, cellphones and a laptop – which alone were valued in the region of US$1,000.
"Those were all they took," added Jennifer, who also said "Sadeke was in another room sleeping at the time".
The scene was processed and investigations are still underway
<H1 class=itemtitle_inner>JAAA offices robbed
1,040 views KINGSTON, Jamaica – The offices of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association (JAAA) were broken into and robbed over the weekend.
According to the information reaching trackalerts, "The offices located at Independence Park Complex – National Arena, were broken into sometime between Friday evening after closing and Monday morning".
On reporting for work this morning, workers noticed the offices were in an unusual disarray and proceeded to notify all the relevant authorities.
The most important item missing from the office is a laptop computer, which the JAAA uses for the reaction times and the links system. Sporting gear and cash. They were unable to say how much money was taken or the value of the goods.
The matter has since been reported to the Stadium Police.
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Last week, Usain Bolt’s house was also broken into and robbed. We have not since been notified of anyone being arrested for that crime.
Coach Holness’ home robbed, appeals for stolen valuables
MANDEVILLE, Manchester – Manchester High School’s track and field coach Jerry Holness, home was broken into last Saturday and several items were stolen including 2 laptops, passports, cash, 3 external drives, thumb drives, bank books, other documents and several other important items.

"I just wanted me and my family to be respected" a shaken Jerry said. "I am well known in this community and to say that this was a random theft does not make sense to me. It just doesn’t add up".
"The way I live my life and the sacrifices myself and family make for the betterment of our community and for the country as a whole, the least we expect in return is to be respected. My whole life is centered around affecting our community in a positive way and it would take a real hardened soul to invade our privacy like this and take what is dear and precious to us. This is really a sad day for us".
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He is appealing for the return of the laptops and hard drives which contain important documents including the training programs for several athletes and other information needed to run the school’s track and field program. The laptop is for his daughter who attends university abroad and she needs it for study purposes.
He is further appealing the return of the passports in the names of Jerry Holness and Giselle Holness.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these items are asked to take them to Manchester High School or the nearest police station.
In June, The home of Jamaica’s 2008 Olympic Games hero Usain Bolt, was broken into and robbed in the wee hours of the morning, while days later the offices of the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association (JAAA) were also broken into and robbed of computer and cash.
Trackalerts: "Please return all the things taken as they are very important to the owners and they cannot function without them".