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Poor Asafa

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  • Poor Asafa

    Time fi dem put him put to pasture

  • #2
    JUst be patient.

    You must recognize possum for what it is.

    Trials nuh teach yuh nutten?


    • #3
      Possum? Possums used to have breakaway speed?


      • #4

        Mi ago dead. LOL


        • #5
          Well he has a good chance fi get a gold medal in Berlin.

          In the 4x100m relay...............
          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


          • #6
            a nuff possum mi si as roadkill still.....

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              Same ting unno seh bout Shelly tuh!

              Asafa run SB at trials. If yuh thing the Oslo run is representative, den yuh dont study dis ting. I feel seh you is a easy mark fi confidence man! LoL


              • #8
                Guweh...yuh too wicked. LoL


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willi View Post
                  Same ting unno seh bout Shelly tuh!

                  Asafa run SB at trials. If yuh thing the Oslo run is representative, den yuh dont study dis ting. I feel seh you is a easy mark fi confidence man! LoL
                  Still not happy with Shelly. The one race has not made my fears go away.
                  She could very well be under-prepared! ...not yet back to her best...but we hope...and we'll see!
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    Possum? POSSUM??!!

                    Originally posted by Willi View Post
                    Same ting unno seh bout Shelly tuh!

                    Asafa run SB at trials. If yuh thing the Oslo run is representative, den yuh dont study dis ting. I feel seh you is a easy mark fi confidence man! LoL
                    Willi: I’m going to make two comments here in replying:

                    First, your reference to “unno” is rather unfortunate, as not all Jamaicans were clamouring for Shelly-Ann Fraser to be replaced last year!

                    Secondly, negative posts on Asafa Powell are influenced largely not so much by his performance at last week’s JAAA national trials, but rather, more so by his performance when it most counted, that is, in 2004 (Athens), 2007 (Osaka) and 2008 (Beijing).

                    (By the way, if I see this rather strange word “possum” another time, I swear I’m going to vomit!!!)


                    • #11
                      This idiotic word started on the T&F site and used a lot of sycophantic MVP supporters who are reaching for any straw they can find...their favorites are not running fast or even looking good so they came up with this to say they are trying to stay under the radar and will jump out come WC.

                      Want to hear one story or over-reaching? One poster over there went as far to say the entire Jamaica was rejoicing when Anniesha McLaugling made the finals of the 200m!!!!
                      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                      Che Guevara.


                      • #12
                        GT made it popular.

                        A lot of people wrote off the MVP massive at trials, seemingly forgetting that if they flopped at Trials, Jamaica would suck salt in Belin, as our medal count would drop a lot.

                        Reality has not yet set in that we depend on them for 50% or more of our medals, yet some actively root against them, Sigh.


                        • #13
                          First I was replying to Brikky, who represents the early write off crew. Shelly was indeed lamented this year and she responded with a time matching Beijing run in intrinsic quality. I was not talking about 2008 brouhaha, rather her form going into 2009 TRIALS. That is where the possum came from, as some of us heard that she was fine before Trials and kept the faith. We also heard that Asafa and Frater had the shape to qualify as well and they did.

                          I dont care why the posters are negative about Asafa as it is pointless. If we drive him out of the sport with our negativeity, out 4x100m relay team mash up. NO ASAFA, NO CHANCE OF GOLD! PUNTO FINALE.


                          • #14
                            Dont know about actively cheering against but track fans like any other fans will have their favorites.

                            But then you have the MVP president Bruce James counting MVP medals as against Jamaica's medals during the Olympics last year on live TV and had to be corrected repeatedly by the host.

                            All the athletes were there running under one flag and I have never seen any MVP flag at any international meet.
                            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                            Che Guevara.


                            • #15

                              I hear Racers counting Collandar's medal and for damn sure will count Daniel Bailey's medal if he gets one. And I agree with them, as they too coach farriners!!

                              MVP has Germaine Mason who competes for the UK and won silver in the HJ, so yes the club has a right to count their medals and say that the won X number of medals out of Y total for Jamaica, afterall they tell no lie.

                              Finally, if MVP was a "country" they would have placed ln the top 6 of the T&F medaal count in Beijing. Do you blame them for being proud of that accomplishment?

                              I dont know your reasons, but you sure are anti-MVP and you clearly dont see their value to Jamaica's medal count.

                              Like the song says (for me), "I dont care how we get there, just get there if we can!". If you can find me another Jam club that can get the same results, save a seat for me on that banjdwagon. Medals talk, bovine defecation walks.
                              Last edited by Willi; July 6, 2009, 10:23 AM.

