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Gayle, Chanders & Sarwan Could Bolt WI's For IPL

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  • Gayle, Chanders & Sarwan Could Bolt WI's For IPL

    est Indies players threaten England tour boycott
    Cricinfo staff
    March 26, 2009

    West Indies' spring tour of England could be severely undermined after it emerged five senior Caribbean players were threatening to withdraw from the series and play in the lucrative IPL.

    Talks between the West Indies Cricket Board and the West Indies Players' Association ended after two days without any progress in the ongoing dispute between them, and players including Chris Gayle, Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan are understood to be considering standing down from national duties in protest.

    As things stand, most of the senior West Indies players are on central contracts which expire at the end of the England series. These were supposed to have been renegotiated some time back, but one insider close to the negotiations told Cricinfo the board were "not protecting the interest s of sponsors and key stakeholders" by failing to do ensure that was done.

    The insider told Cricinfo the players were "exceptionally greedy" adding that "it's Groundhog Day every year".

    Last Friday, players refused to start three domestic one-day matches, while the national team blanked out Digicel branding on their kit with masking tape during the ODI against England. A number of the team also boycotted a Digicel event in Guyana at the weekend.

    Dinanath Ramnarine, WIPA's chief executive who resigned from the WICB executive last week, refused to comment as he left the meeting in Bridgetown. It is believed that further talks are planned for early next week.
    Surprising stance from Shiv I thought he said he put WI before money but I guess the loss of the Stanford million a hot him

    BBC: Good morning Shiv. Thanks for granting us this
    exclusive interview. How are you today ?

    Shiv: I arrite, yuh know.

    BBC: There seems to be a lot of commotion and crisis
    in West Indies cricket right now. What are your
    thoughts ?

    Shiv: I dont see no crisis, yuh know. We have a young
    team ready to take on Sri Lanka.

    BBC: WIPA President Ramnarine recently said "It's
    rather unfortunate to have players taking a principled
    stand and the captain of that side going in a
    different direction." Your comments please.

    Shiv: Hear nuh man. Ramnarine is a fail cricketer. He
    is a loser. There is no way I Shiv would put meh
    trust and meh confidence and meh career in the hands
    of a failure and loser like Ramnarine. That's the
    mistake the 10 players make. They believe in loser
    Ramnarine and he lead them wrong.

    BBC: What about Ramnarine's comment about your not
    taking a principled stand while the other players did?

    Shiv: Well yuh know, we all talk about principle---but
    when it come to how we act, when it come to teking
    action we does act on we interest.

    BBC: So you're saying that we talk on principle and
    act on interest ?

    Shiv: Positive. Yes. That is right. Look, I sign the
    WICB contract because me had to look after
    Chanderpaul interest first. Chanderpaul had to do
    what's right for Chanderpaul and Chanderpaul career.
    Chanderpaul also had to do what's right for West
    Indies cricket. We had to tour Sri Lanka or West
    Indies cricket would have to pay a fine of 2 million

    BBC: What about your teammates who said they were
    taking a principled stand ?

    Shiv: Like I said. I do what's right for Chanderpaul
    and Chanderpaul interest and West Indies cricket
    interest. I dont have to care about Lara and his Cable
    & Wireless contract or about the interest of Sarwan,
    Gayle etc.

    BBC: Can your attitude be perceived as being very
    selfish ?

    Shiv: Not really, yuh know. You just mention
    principle. Well, I can live with my principle. The
    right thing to do was to play cricket and forget the
    money. My conscience very clear about that. That was
    the right thing to do. Chanderpaul prefer to play
    cricket rather than strike for a few thousand dollars.

    BBC: Well, Ramnarine said it was about principle and
    not money.

    Shiv: When people say is not about money is about
    principle, watch out. Is money. Is about money.
    Ramnarine is a liar. The 10 players will miss Sri
    Lanka tour because Ramnarine want to milk more money
    for them from the WICB and the WICB said no way.

    BBC: But Ramnarine is the president of WIPA. Weren't
    the players following the advice of their leader ?

    Shiv: But they was following the wrong advice. They
    should have follow the advice of Chanderpaul. I said
    to them, forget the sponsorship money. Let we go play
    cricket, and let we try to win and you have plenty
    incentive bonus money waiting fuh we.

    BBC: There was over $600,000 US bonus money available
    for the SA and Pak tours and the WI team won only

    Shiv: That's right. And there is over 250,000 bonus
    money if we win in Sri Lanka. But Ramnarine want too
    much upfront money. First he want 200,000. Then
    150,000. Then 125,000.

    BBC: So Ramnarine in your opinion has led the 10
    players down the wrong path ?

    Shiv: Yes. Definitely. That is the biggest mistake the
    10 players make. They follow loser Ramnarine down the
    wrong path. I know some of those guys passionate about
    them cricket. They should have ignore Ramnarine and
    join Chanderpaul and play cricket in Sri Lanka.

    BBC: Let's talk about the West Indies fans. Many are
    now referring to you as a traitor, a backstabber, a
    snake. They say you have betrayed your team and your

    Shiv: Aaaaaaaaam. I dont blame the fans, yuh know.
    Many of them mad with West Indies cricket. They
    very angry. Look, if I was a fan of Lara and Lara and
    others get get drop I might say worst thing about

    BBC: But are the fans right ? Are you a traitor ? Are
    you a backstabber ? Did you betray your teammates ?

    Shiv: Well, if all fans of West Indies cricket think I
    was all of those nasty things then I would worry. But
    fuh every fan who think I betray my teammates there is
    another fan who think I did the right and responsible
    thing by signing the WICB contract and taking the
    young team to Sri Lanka. Cricket more important than

    BBC: What kind of fans would refer to you as a
    traitor, backstabber, and accuse you of betraying your
    teammates ?

    Shiv: Yuh know, I personally think a lot of people, a
    lot of West Indies fans very frustrated with their own
    life. Many of them, doctors, lawyers, engineers,
    professors, accountants, government workers, welfare
    receivers, etc, find themself in jobs and profession
    they hate and have no passion for. Many are going
    through life asleep at the wheel. They are like
    mindless robots. These are the kind of people who
    would call Chanderpaul a traitor, a backstabber, a
    snake. They are the people who would say Chanderpaul
    betray his teammates. These people use up all their
    passion hating Chanderpaul----is no wonder they not
    successful in life---they should try to find something
    they passionate about---that's how they can be
    successful. Right now not one of the people saying
    nasty things about Chanderpaul can look at themself in
    the mirror and say they is successful---not one!!!

    BBC: What about the fans who support Chanderpaul ?

    Shiv: Everybody who I know support me is either a
    success in life or they will be a success in life.

    BBC: Are you saying that the fans who are critical of
    Chanderpaul are losers and the fans who support
    Chanderpaul you are winners ?

    Shiv: What I say is not one of the fans calling me
    nasty names can look at themself and say I am a
    success in life. Most have too much negative passion.
    They use their passion in a negative way. They hate.
    They complain. The condemn. They criticize. The fans
    who support Chanderpaul use their passion in a
    positive way. They are passionate about what they do.
    That is why they are success in life.

    BBC: Let's talk about the captaincy. Are you enjoying
    the captaincy ?

    Shiv: Regarding the captaincy, my goal was not to be
    West Indies captain. I am passionate about batting. I
    passionate about cricket. I not passionate about
    leading the West Indies. But I am loyal to West Indies
    cricket and when my employer, the WICB, beg me to lead
    the team I could not say no.

    BBC: But are you enjoying the experience ?

    Shiv: Oh definitely. Look, we not winning. But we
    making slow progress. You build a house one brick at a
    time, and that is what Coach King and Captain
    Chanderpaul doing with this West Indies team. We
    slowly building. They have a saying in Guyana "one one
    dutty build dam." Thats what we doing.

    BBC: But how can you build that dam without the stars?

    Shiv: What stars you talking about ? The only star is
    Lara. Nobody else is a star and that include
    Chanderpaul. What we need on West Indies team are
    players who are passionate about cricket and committed
    about cricket not players who follow a loser like
    Ramnarine and put money before cricket.

    BBC: You have now led the West Indies in 6 tests.
    Which was the best match you captained ?

    Shiv: Definitely the Bourda test match. That was my
    first test. That was the test in which the so called
    stars did not play. What I like most was the young
    players in that team was very excited and show a lot
    of passion and unity.

    BBC: You will be having lots of young and
    inexperienced players in Sri Lanka.

    Shiv: Yes. And I am confident they will play hard and
    be very committed.

    BBC: Shiv, if we may change the subject a little, we
    are conducting this interview in your home in Florida,
    USA. Care to share with us your experience in the
    United States ?

    Shiv: Well, me and Amy (Shiv's wife) are residents of
    the US. We plan to apply for citizenship when I retire
    from cricket. We love America.

    BBC: What's your day like in the US ?

    Shiv: Well, I usually wake up around 5AM. I do some
    exercise. I go for a lil running. Then around 9AM me
    and Amy drive over to Barnes and Noble. They have a
    starbucks coffee shop there. We have cappucino.

    BBC: Barnes and Noble is the big bookstore in America,
    correct ?

    Shiv: Yes.

    BBC: Are you into reading Shiv ?

    Shiv: Not really, yuh know. But I like glancing
    through car magazine and stuff.

    BBC: Have you read any books recently ?

    Shiv: Well Amy recently buy me a yellow and black
    color book and she insist that I read it. She said I
    gon learn some tips.

    BBC: Care to share the title of that yellow and black
    book with us ?

    Shiv: The title is Public Speaking For
    Dummies. [laugh]

    BBC: hahahahahahahahahaha

    BBC: What did you say to Amy when she gave you that
    book ?

    Shiv: I say you have no respect for the West Indies
    captain. [laugh]

    BBC: And what did she say to you ?

    Shiv: [laugh] She say, "trust me on this Shivo, nobody
    respect the West Indies captain. read the book. you
    might get some tips and get some respect." [laugh]

    BBC: Did you say anything to her ?

    Shiv: Well, in a way, she right, yuh know. [laugh].
    Anyways, I read 4 chapters and they have some good
    tips. I will finish reading after Sri Lanka tour.

    BBC: Shiv, it's always a delight talking to you. You
    do have a good sense of humor. Thanks for your time
    and good luck in Sri Lanka.

    Shiv: Thanks and praise the lord.

  • #2
    That can't be a genuine interview? Seems like something that someone put together to ridicule Shiv.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      i don't think it is genuine interview shiv is in b'dos with team for the match tomorrow....

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        Yeah....not Chanders at all...Bricktop is misleading the masses or tryin' to!


        • #5
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            What the hell are you talking bout? That was a real interview from when Chanders was captain.


            • #7
              This interview is old. He references Lara in it. You guys never heard this interview before?


              • #8
                A real interview?? With the BBC??

                I can't find it in the BBC website archives. Care to tell us your source?
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #9
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    You guys hurt my feelings. I am too depressed to answer


                    • #11
                      And I was just getting ready to apologize, because I wrongly assumed that the BBC that did the interview was the British Broadcasting Corporation,when clearly it must have been the Bricktop Broadcasting Corporation!!

                      Heh Heh. So it go sometime.
                      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          What's sad that Chanderpaul has now changed his stance?

