Michael Phelps vs. Usain Bolt
Posted Sunday, August 24, 2008 4:50 AM ET
As the first week of the Olympics came to a close, Michael Phelps was picking up his eighth gold medal, posing for magazine covers and collecting sponsorship bonuses. He seemed certain at the time to be the story of the Games.
Usain Bolt was just getting started. His wasn't a household name like Phelps', but with the obvious headline puns and his soon-to-be signature lightning bolt poses, it didn't take long for the U.S. viewing audience to take to him.
Both were perfect in Beijing. Phelps went eight-for-eight, winning every event he entered and breaking Mark Spitz's record for the most gold medals in a single Olympics. Bolt went three-for-three, setting a new world record in every event: the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay.
So who's your pick for the best performance of the Games? Is it Phelps for the incredible number of medals? Is it Bolt for his enjoyable antics on the track? Or is the whole argument apples-and-oranges?
Posted Sunday, August 24, 2008 4:50 AM ET

Usain Bolt was just getting started. His wasn't a household name like Phelps', but with the obvious headline puns and his soon-to-be signature lightning bolt poses, it didn't take long for the U.S. viewing audience to take to him.
Both were perfect in Beijing. Phelps went eight-for-eight, winning every event he entered and breaking Mark Spitz's record for the most gold medals in a single Olympics. Bolt went three-for-three, setting a new world record in every event: the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay.
So who's your pick for the best performance of the Games? Is it Phelps for the incredible number of medals? Is it Bolt for his enjoyable antics on the track? Or is the whole argument apples-and-oranges?