Paul Henry
Joined: 19 Jul 2008
Posts: 73
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:54 pm Post subject:
Francis had been awarded one of three available accreditations by the JAAA. Each NOC is given 3 accreditations. He has thrown it back in thier faces.
Because he never got four additional accrediations he requested for his Divas(MVP athletes). He wanted to bring two massuers, one additional MVP manager and his brother; his assistant coach. The JAAA bent a little by appointing his brother and one of the Massuers as core coaching team members in the Village. So he is upset beacuse of two additional accreditations. TELL ME WHAT AN A-HOLE THIS GUY IS?
Bear in mind, all the other athletes are prepared to use the massuers he had bargained for. His athletes are partially in solidarity with his stance. This shows what meek lambs they are and that he is not moitvated to motivate his charges for meets when his charges are dressed in the national colour s (yes I have come to that conclusion, I might be wrong but it is conceivable). case in point: Asafa, bronze at WC as a Jamaican then WR after WC as MVP Nike sponsored athlete and the example goes on...
I must make it clear though the athletes are to be blamed or are deliberately unpatriotic, they are just too dumb and controlled by his hold stopping the air to stimulate
Joined: 19 Jul 2008
Posts: 73

Because he never got four additional accrediations he requested for his Divas(MVP athletes). He wanted to bring two massuers, one additional MVP manager and his brother; his assistant coach. The JAAA bent a little by appointing his brother and one of the Massuers as core coaching team members in the Village. So he is upset beacuse of two additional accreditations. TELL ME WHAT AN A-HOLE THIS GUY IS?
Bear in mind, all the other athletes are prepared to use the massuers he had bargained for. His athletes are partially in solidarity with his stance. This shows what meek lambs they are and that he is not moitvated to motivate his charges for meets when his charges are dressed in the national colour s (yes I have come to that conclusion, I might be wrong but it is conceivable). case in point: Asafa, bronze at WC as a Jamaican then WR after WC as MVP Nike sponsored athlete and the example goes on...
I must make it clear though the athletes are to be blamed or are deliberately unpatriotic, they are just too dumb and controlled by his hold stopping the air to stimulate