Ten to watch: Usain Bolt
Did you know? Bolt has conceded defeat to Powell - at least in the vehicle stakes.
"I just have two cars. Asafa's got tons of cars," he told NBC. "Asafa's got a Skyline, he's got a BMW, he's got a Hummer, he's got a GMC Yukon. He's got a lot of cars. He's really into cars.
"I don't want so many cars. My dream car is a BMW M3 so I'm looking forward to getting that."

Did you know? Bolt has conceded defeat to Powell - at least in the vehicle stakes.
"I just have two cars. Asafa's got tons of cars," he told NBC. "Asafa's got a Skyline, he's got a BMW, he's got a Hummer, he's got a GMC Yukon. He's got a lot of cars. He's really into cars.
"I don't want so many cars. My dream car is a BMW M3 so I'm looking forward to getting that."