Yes big time Celtics fan and by the way that would mean i am not a waggonist as we have not won anything since Bird retired so why would I be on a waggon?
That is where the 'family home' in the US is, where my mother lives as well as a bunch of siblings, nieces and nephews, where I started college and if I finsih where I hope to as well.
Even though I have travelled to Philly more than any other US city, including Miami, I feel no affinity at all to any teams there, I cheer for all Boston area teams including the Patriots and the Bruins.
Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death. Che Guevara.
Yes big time Celtics fan and by the way that would mean i am not a waggonist as we have not won anything since Bird retired so why would I be on a waggon?
No it was just funny that the Patriots and Red Sox are winning so I called you a waggonist cause the Celts now look like winners too and i thought you were jumping on the wagon.
Well I know my family will be eagerly waiting for the b'ball season to start but I am not making any plans for June just yet cause I am yet to see them jell as a team, they have some great parts but some of these parts have been retreaded a few times.
Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death. Che Guevara.
Well I know my family will be eagerly waiting for the b'ball season to start but I am not making any plans for June just yet cause I am yet to see them jell as a team, they have some great parts but some of these parts have been retreaded a few times.
I think they'll be just fine. James Posey was a big pickup. If I were them I would go after PJ Brown as well. In the East them and Chicago will be tough.
well sickko... mi know yuh is a boston fan... de sports capital is buzzing...
red sox for the world series
patriots for the super bowl
celtics for the east
revolution looking good
bruins, well dem on de rise
boston college #2 in college football
lawd... what a sports town
the city full a excitement...
'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'
Nuttin personal, but I am rooting for the worse when it comes to all things Boston College. Dem & Miami U. try fi leave the big east in tatters, but the league is better & stronger in basketball & american football.
And yes, the Celtics should take the east this year, and I plan to grab a few tickets to see Pierce, Allen & Garnett.
Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi