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First lady of Racing passes

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  • First lady of Racing passes

    Prime Minister of Jamaica pays tribute to late horse racing legend
    published: Thursday | October 18, 2007

    Prime Minister Bruce Golding on Tuesday ex-pressed regret at the passing of [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Jamaica's[/COLOR][/COLOR] first lady of horse racing, Laura Eileen Cliggott, who died on October 15 at the age of 90, following a long illness.
    "Jamaica's racing industry has lost a true pioneer who dedicated over 40 years to the horse racing industry," Mr. Golding said. "Apart from her outstanding success as a horse trainer, Mrs. Cliggott was a mentor to many young trainers, jockeys and grooms. She is regarded as the [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]First [COLOR=orange! important]Lady[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] of horse racing because in the early years, she was the only woman in a male-dominated sport and she proved that she was as good as the rest and one of the best."
    In reflecting on Mrs. Cliggott's many achievements, Prime Minister Golding said one of her very outstanding moments was on January 25, 1992, when she saddled the first winner at an official race meet to be ridden by a female jockey.
    Posthumous honour
    The Prime Minister noted that Mrs. Cliggott died on the same day (National Heroes Day, October 15) that Jamaicans who had given outstanding service were honoured with national awards. He noted that ironically, Mrs. Cliggott had never been the recipient of a national award but he said the government would be correcting this by honouring her posthumously.
    Prime Minister Golding has expressed condolences to Mrs. Cliggott's family, many friends and associates. Mrs Cliggott's association with the horse racing industry dates back to her years in the U.K. before she migrated to Jamaica in 1958. She was a breeder and trainer of race horses and has trained famous horses such as 'Rumpelstelskin' and 'Persian Coin'.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
    Posthumous honour
    The Prime Minister noted that Mrs. Cliggott died on the same day (National Heroes Day, October 15) that Jamaicans who had given outstanding service were honoured with national awards. He noted that ironically, Mrs. Cliggott had never been the recipient of a national award but he said the government would be correcting this by honouring her posthumously.
    Why bother? Is a good ting mi won't be getting one of those awards any time soon. Joke bizniz!

    Scratch "soon".


