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The painful price of coming clean

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  • The painful price of coming clean

    The painful price of coming clean
    published: Thursday | October 11, 2007

    IT HAS been a dizzying fall from th of exaltation to the murky pits of disgrace for the U.S.-proclaimed sprint superwoman Marion Jones.

    Although we may be tempted to feel sorry for the former media darling, the fact is cheating is cheating whether it's done with a smile or a scowl.

    Though suspicion of steroid use has dogged the sprinter almost from the get-go, so explicit was she in her denial of any wrongdoing that many curled back into shells, ashamed of even ever bringing up the issue. I mean, who wouldn't, after a proclamation like the one in her 2004 autobiography, written in red capital letters taking up a whole page.
    "I am against performance-enhancing drugs. I have never taken them and I never will take them."

    Designer drug
    Years later, after suing BALCO founder Victor Conte and calling the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), which was investigating her before the 2004 Athens Olympics a "kangaroo court", Jones has confessed to using THG, a designer drug many times more potent than nandrolone or trenbolone.

    Well, great, confession is good for the soul and all that, but my problem in all of this is the fact that Jones still hasn't definitively been caught. If we take the sprinter's confession at face value - simply an unlikely matter of conscience, then could she have just have retired with unfairly accumulated accolades and five Olympic medals?

    If so, how many others have done so? Have all our so-called sprinting legends been just too good to be true?

    Sure, amid tears and apologies, the five medals won at the 2000 Olympic Games are being returned along with all the prizes earned since then, but the question is: can we really believe that this is the only time period that Jones used steroids?

    If we believe the testimony of Jones' former husband, another athlete banned for drug use, C.J. Hunter, who testified under oath, it's not. Even further back at the age of 16 the sprinter, then dominating high school athletics, faced a four-year ban for failing to show up at a drug test.

    With the assistance of the late Johnnie Cochran, the lawyer best known for his success in representing former NFL star O.J. Simpson in his murder trial, the young sprinter avoided any sanctions.
    "If the syringe did not prick, then you must acquit".

    For years she was coached by the controversial Trevor Graham, himself currently being investigated by a federal grand jury. The sprinter also had a relationship with Tim Montgomery, another athlete banned from the sport and stripped of his 100m world record. Maid Marion also had a stint in 2004 with Charlie Francis, the man who coached former Canadian Ben Johnson, who was stripped of the 1988 Olympic title after testing positive for stanozolol.

    Squeaky clean
    Is it a case that Jones was squeaky clean throughout all these associations? Highly unlikely, but why wasn't she caught before then? Others like Hunter, Montgomery, Johnson, Justin Gatlin, Chryste Gaines and Tori Edwards were, but it raises serious concerns as to how many could have escaped just like Jones.

    We all gather around our televisions excited by quick times and exceptional performances, but what are we really watching in the "beautiful and lovely sport", according to Jones herself? "There's something about being first when everything you have done is normal, everything is legitimate," she said.

    Well really, Marion, can we take your word for it?

    feedback: kwesi.mugisa@ gleanerjm.com
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    painful price of coming clean....what about the painful price of DOPING!!!!????

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Side Effects of Steroids

      Side Effects

      The side effects from steroids can be very serious and even fatal. But from the information we gathered in the past few years, it seems to me the side effects are not as serious as the media makes them out to be. Because of the media over exaggerating the side effects, this has turned many people way from steroids. There will only be short descriptions for the side effects now, and in the future we will add more to the side effects when we have time.

      Water Retention:
      This is most common from using steroids. It is a “puffiness” or swelling in the neck and facial areas. It is rather notable mainly if you know the person is on steroids. For example, we know someone that took steroids but we did not know it at the time. After we found out, if we looked his face we would wonder how we couldn’t notice he was on roids before. It can be mild swelling or very serious, obvious swelling.

      Acne: (see Marion Jones)
      Everyone knows about acne, and is one of the side effects we worry about the most for us. It is also a very common side effect, it can give acne to someone who has never had acne, and it can make acne worse for others. It can also appear in new places for a person, such as, the back and neck. There have been several users that have not received acne on the other hand.

      It may not sound familiar but most people have heard about it. It is the formation of breasts, or abnormally large glands. The first signs are lumps under the nipples, then will gradually grow to fatty tissue and increase in size.

      Aggression, also know as “roid rages”. Surprisingly, several athletes feel this is a positive effect. They often find they lift more, and are more intense during workouts. On the negative side, users find themselves fighting with family, friends, and co-workers with an uptight behavior.

      High blood pressure is also a chance when taking steroids. Most athletes would not know if they had high blood pressure so it is suggested to get tests regularly. High blood pressure can lead to many more serious diseases.

      Cardiovascular Disease:
      Studies have shown that steroid use is a risk factor for heart disease. This is because steroids affect the cholesterol levels. Over a period of time the cholesterol builds up and clogs the arteries.

      Heart palpitations have been reported by a number of athletes on steroids. These may indicate an excited or elevated level of the central nervous system.

      Impotence occurs when a user goes on and off steroids. When steroids are first used sexual interest increases because of the heightened frequency and duration of the erections. But eventually the opposite happens and no erections can be produced.

      A serious liver disease, which is found by an enlarged painful liver, yellowing of the eyes and skin, and flu like symptoms. This happens when athletes use high dosages of steroids.
      Here are some more possible side effects from:
      Irritation of the stomach lining. Steroids can increase the production of stomach acid and lower the production of protective stomach mucus. This can irritate the lining of the stomach and may cause or aggravate a stomach ulcer. To reduce this side effect the tablets should be taken with meals or milk. Tell your doctor if you have indigestion, stomach pains or abdominal discomfort.

      The levels of sugar in your blood may change temporarily. This may happen if you have high-dose or long-term treatment. While you are having your steroid therapy your blood sugar levels will be checked regularly by blood tests. You may be asked to test your urine for sugar. You will be shown how to do this. Tell your doctor if you get very thirsty or if you are passing more urine than usual.

      Fluid retention due to changed salt and water balance. You may notice that your ankles and/or fingers swell. Some people have a bloated feeling in the abdomen. This is usually only a problem with long-term treatment.

      Increased appetite. You may notice that you feel hungrier than usual while taking steroids, and this can make you want to eat more than usual. If you are concerned about weight gain speak to your doctor or contact Cancer BACUPs information service.

      Increased chance of infection and delayed healing of injuries. This happens mainly with high-dose or long-term treatment. Tell your doctor if you notice signs of infection (inflammation, redness, soreness or a temperature) or if cuts take longer than usual to heal. It is important to maintain good personal hygiene to prevent infection.

      Menstrual changes. Women may find that their periods become irregular or stop.

      Behavioral changes. You may notice mood swings, difficulty in sleeping and perhaps anxiety or irritability. These happen mainly with high-dose or long-term treatment and will stop when the steroid therapy ends. Tell your doctor about any behavioral changes which are worrying you. Difficulty in sleeping may be reduced by taking the steroids in the early part of the day, but discuss this with your doctor first.

      Less common side effects
      Eye changes. With long-term use of steroids, cataracts or glaucoma may develop. There is also an increased risk of eye infections. Tell your doctor if you notice any eye problems.

      Cushing's syndrome. This is usually caused only by long-term use of steroids. It can cause acne, puffiness of the face, dark marks on the skin and facial hair in women. Cushing's syndrome can be partially reduced by taking the steroids early in the morning, by taking them on alternate days instead of every day, or by reducing the dose, but discuss this with your doctor first.

      Muscle wasting. With very long-term use of steroids, wasting of leg muscles may occur. This can cause weakness. When the steroids are stopped some people experience muscle cramps for a short time.

      Osteoporosis. With very long-term use of steroids, calcium may be lost from the bones. This can result in pain (especially in the lower back), an increased susceptibility to fractures and loss of height.

      Other side effects include: enlarged prostate, premature hair loss, sterility, shortness, and head and stomach aches. Please e-mail us if you know any more important side effects we missed, thank you.
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        thank you sir....dem laugh after my pimple theory.....

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hortical View Post
          Side Effects

          Impotence occurs when a user goes on and off steroids. When steroids are first used sexual interest increases because of the heightened frequency and duration of the erections. But eventually the opposite happens and no erections can be produced.
          if you have indigestion, stomach pains or abdominal discomfort.

          mi di kno seh a ediat dem a tek steriod! ...but, iffen dem waan tek hit dem dem shudda ave di rite tuh tek hit ho-pen-ly an hun-da dac-ta treatment!

          kiss teet...give up...jus fi win race an mek money? ...kiss teet, again!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            According to the "Game of Shadows", Barry Bonds girlfriend said he suffered from impotence, and this was attributed to steroid use. It shrivel up!

            After the 1998 season, according to the book, Bonds began bulking up in the same way he believed McGwire had: by taking steroids, and later by adding human growth hormone to the mix. By 2001, the year he hit 73 home runs, wiping McGwire's record of 70 off the books, the once lean-muscled Bonds had bulging biceps, a thickened neck and a head that seemed to have grown a hat size or two. His former mistress told the authors that his back was pocked with acne, a telltale sign of steroid use, and that he suffered from impotence, another marker.
            Last edited by Hortical; October 12, 2007, 10:24 PM.
            Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hortical View Post
              According to the "Game of Shadows", Barry Bonds girlfriend said he suffered from impotence, and this was attributed to steroid use. It shrivel up!

              After the 1998 season, according to the book, Bonds began bulking up in the same way he believed McGwire had: by taking steroids, and later by adding human growth hormone to the mix. By 2001, the year he hit 73 home runs, wiping McGwire's record of 70 off the books, the once lean-muscled Bonds had bulging biceps, a thickened neck and a head that seemed to have grown a hat size or two. His former mistress told the authors that his back was pocked with acne, a telltale sign of steroid use, and that he suffered from impotence, another marker.

              Need we say more?

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                His last "normal" body frame in 1998 is likely to be a better indicator
                than the photo from Pittsburgh.

                Barry Bonds' numbers in 1998 (.303, 37 homers, 122 RBIs) were stellar, but they went largely ignored as Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased Roger Maris' home run record.
                Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


                • #9
                  karl...as paradoxical as it may sound or even if it seems a bit of misnomer...you're patois speaking is getting worse.

                  Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                  • #10
                    Maybe thats why he is always so angry and surly with the press, he could not get it up...
                    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                    Che Guevara.


                    • #11
                      Is that a picture of himself on his arm bands in the picture at left....ego knows no bounds.....
                      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                      Che Guevara.


                      • #12
                        who are those 2 guys?

                        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hortical View Post
                          Side Effects

                          The side effects from steroids can be very serious and even fatal. But from the information we gathered in the past few years, it seems to me the side effects are not as serious as the media makes them out to be. Because of the media over exaggerating the side effects, this has turned many people way from steroids. There will only be short descriptions for the side effects now, and in the future we will add more to the side effects when we have time.

                          Water Retention:
                          This is most common from using steroids. It is a “puffiness” or swelling in the neck and facial areas. It is rather notable mainly if you know the person is on steroids. For example, we know someone that took steroids but we did not know it at the time. After we found out, if we looked his face we would wonder how we couldn’t notice he was on roids before. It can be mild swelling or very serious, obvious swelling.

                          Acne: (see Marion Jones)
                          Everyone knows about acne, and is one of the side effects we worry about the most for us. It is also a very common side effect, it can give acne to someone who has never had acne, and it can make acne worse for others. It can also appear in new places for a person, such as, the back and neck. There have been several users that have not received acne on the other hand.

                          It may not sound familiar but most people have heard about it. It is the formation of breasts, or abnormally large glands. The first signs are lumps under the nipples, then will gradually grow to fatty tissue and increase in size.

                          Aggression, also know as “roid rages”. Surprisingly, several athletes feel this is a positive effect. They often find they lift more, and are more intense during workouts. On the negative side, users find themselves fighting with family, friends, and co-workers with an uptight behavior.

                          High blood pressure is also a chance when taking steroids. Most athletes would not know if they had high blood pressure so it is suggested to get tests regularly. High blood pressure can lead to many more serious diseases.

                          Cardiovascular Disease:
                          Studies have shown that steroid use is a risk factor for heart disease. This is because steroids affect the cholesterol levels. Over a period of time the cholesterol builds up and clogs the arteries.

                          Heart palpitations have been reported by a number of athletes on steroids. These may indicate an excited or elevated level of the central nervous system.

                          Impotence occurs when a user goes on and off steroids. When steroids are first used sexual interest increases because of the heightened frequency and duration of the erections. But eventually the opposite happens and no erections can be produced.

                          A serious liver disease, which is found by an enlarged painful liver, yellowing of the eyes and skin, and flu like symptoms. This happens when athletes use high dosages of steroids.

                          Here are some more possible side effects from:

                          Irritation of the stomach lining. Steroids can increase the production of stomach acid and lower the production of protective stomach mucus. This can irritate the lining of the stomach and may cause or aggravate a stomach ulcer. To reduce this side effect the tablets should be taken with meals or milk. Tell your doctor if you have indigestion, stomach pains or abdominal discomfort.

                          The levels of sugar in your blood may change temporarily. This may happen if you have high-dose or long-term treatment. While you are having your steroid therapy your blood sugar levels will be checked regularly by blood tests. You may be asked to test your urine for sugar. You will be shown how to do this. Tell your doctor if you get very thirsty or if you are passing more urine than usual.

                          Fluid retention due to changed salt and water balance. You may notice that your ankles and/or fingers swell. Some people have a bloated feeling in the abdomen. This is usually only a problem with long-term treatment.

                          Increased appetite. You may notice that you feel hungrier than usual while taking steroids, and this can make you want to eat more than usual. If you are concerned about weight gain speak to your doctor or contact Cancer BACUPs information service.

                          Increased chance of infection and delayed healing of injuries. This happens mainly with high-dose or long-term treatment. Tell your doctor if you notice signs of infection (inflammation, redness, soreness or a temperature) or if cuts take longer than usual to heal. It is important to maintain good personal hygiene to prevent infection.

                          Menstrual changes. Women may find that their periods become irregular or stop.

                          Behavioral changes. You may notice mood swings, difficulty in sleeping and perhaps anxiety or irritability. These happen mainly with high-dose or long-term treatment and will stop when the steroid therapy ends. Tell your doctor about any behavioral changes which are worrying you. Difficulty in sleeping may be reduced by taking the steroids in the early part of the day, but discuss this with your doctor first.

                          Less common side effects
                          Eye changes. With long-term use of steroids, cataracts or glaucoma may develop. There is also an increased risk of eye infections. Tell your doctor if you notice any eye problems.

                          Cushing's syndrome. This is usually caused only by long-term use of steroids. It can cause acne, puffiness of the face, dark marks on the skin and facial hair in women. Cushing's syndrome can be partially reduced by taking the steroids early in the morning, by taking them on alternate days instead of every day, or by reducing the dose, but discuss this with your doctor first.

                          Muscle wasting. With very long-term use of steroids, wasting of leg muscles may occur. This can cause weakness. When the steroids are stopped some people experience muscle cramps for a short time.

                          Osteoporosis. With very long-term use of steroids, calcium may be lost from the bones. This can result in pain (especially in the lower back), an increased susceptibility to fractures and loss of height.

                          Other side effects include: enlarged prostate, premature hair loss, sterility, shortness, and head and stomach aches. Please e-mail us if you know any more important side effects we missed, thank you.
                          Hortikal - yuh is a doctor Is there any truth that it does something to your teeth. Me is ongle asking.
                          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                          - Langston Hughes


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                            karl...as paradoxical as it may sound or even if it seems a bit of misnomer...you're patois speaking is getting worse.

                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MdmeX View Post
                              Hortikal - yuh is a doctor Is there any truth that it does something to your teeth. Me is ongle asking.
                              Light years from being a doc, and I have no idea if steroids has any impact on teeth.
                              Last edited by Hortical; October 16, 2007, 09:12 PM.
                              Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

