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 Reggae Boyz could learn a thing or 2 from Senegal
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Posted - May 31 2002 :  2:05:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, it is now offical: France 0, Senegal 1.

Just a few quick points though:

1) I thought France was less effective because they were not allowed to control the flanks.

I notice that is a major problem with the Reggae Boyz. Whether we play with five or four at the back, five of three in the middle. We always relinquish the flanks to the oppositions, which in turn, strecthes our less than fast defenders...resulting in a constant state of panic.

Senegal were effective in restricting the French from advancing down the flanks, though, they themself rarely used it as an attacking option.

Then they clogged up the middle, which prevented the French players from simply walking in on their defenders.

The Reggae Boyz does a poor job at this, to me...Just no heart in the middle of midfield.

Organization and Discipline:

Senegal played a very discipline and organized game...They played within themselves--limitations--and never panicked when under pressure.

Very good coaching also. They were a well coached bunch, and obviously, the coaching staff did an excellent job on the French team.

Also, what Senegal had going for them that the Reggae Boyz don't and didn't have in France and at present is: All their players are professionals and ply their trade in the same league...The Frence league.

Maybe because of this, and unlike the Reggae Boyz, their play for the entire match was not accompained by inconsistencies. They concentrated and deliver for the ninety-plus minutes.

The play of our national teams are far too inconsistent to reap constant success against good teams.

Goalkeeping and defense: The goalkeeper and his defenders were always on the same page, and both did an admirable job on the French forwards and attacking midfield players.

The Reggae Boyz on too many ocassions appears to be a disorganize unit in the back. Even though, the above holds true for the entire team...Be it forward, mid or defense.

Chemistry: One thing is for sure: Senegal was a united, motivated, hungry and confident bunch of players.

All credit should be given to the federation, coaching staff, players and supporters.

This only goes to show the importance of preparation...Something that for a long time now as been missing from the Reggae Boyz training manual.

For make no mistake about it, France is the better team. But a team that is well prepare, who plays to a plan, stick to that game plan, and excecute properly on the field on play, can compete effectively with a superior team and gain a favorable result.

What became glaringly obvious while watching Senegal and France is this: Jamaica does not have talented and skillful players like we think we do.

Players that can do the basic things on the football field for as long has they are on the field.

We are no more talented than any. And probably less talented than most, at this stage of our development.

Anyway, congratulations to Senegal, and so long as they don't let it get to their heads, they could very well advance to the round of sixteens. As for France: You cannot count out such a talented group of players. Not yet at least.

Respect and irie ites!

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