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18 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2001 : 3:35:19 PM
After living here in New York City for just over a year I am now not sure if I want to continue. As you all must know by now, the United States has been attacked by terrorist and the damages are horrifying. I was at my college when I was brief with the news that there was a fire on the top of one of the WTC buildings. On leaving my Speech class I went to the cafeteria where I became distorted by the images that I saw on the television.
At 8:50am, it was reported that a American Airlines' plane had crashed into one of the twin towers and at 9:03, just 13 minutes later, another plane went through the other tower.Events like these are what you might think about and then put in a movie but to see it happen in real time is sometihng that no one can fathom.
After analizing this vicious terrorist attack I have to say that it was a well planned attack and it was carried out with pin point accuracy. I believe that this event has been in the making for years and I have no doubt that the Arabs are behind it. To highjack 4 planes in the US at 4 different location and to fly a plane from Boston and one from Newark [in New Jersey] and for them to reach the exact point at almost the same time is a act that could only be carried out by a seasoned proffessional, which I believe is Asama Bin Laden.
I am very happy to know that my family decided to seek lodgement in Brooklyn and not in the Manhatten. I share the the grieve of those that have lost love ones and I regret that such an act should have happened. It so hard to understand how people could do something like this and then to see the folks in Palestine celebrating at the death of thousands of innocent people is so sad.
Without any doubt this is the start of a war. 93% of the people living in the US say that the Government should strike back and strike back immediately!
If this is the Start of a war I hope I can get home before it begins. Although I am saddened by these happennings I must say that it was predictable. The bible makes it very clear and I hope that it has made us seek to have a closer relationship with our maker, savior and King. As a christian, I would want to know that if I should be in situation like that I would be able to say as I die "It is well with my soul".