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 Peter PRENDERGAST to referee Russia - Tunisia

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Karl Posted - May 31 2002 : 6:58:07 PM
Peter PRENDERGAST to referee Russia - Tunisia
Fri May 31 12:53:39 2002

Taken from

FC referees and assistants receive assignments for FIFA World Cup

30.05.02 - The Football Confederation's group of referees and assistant referees have received their assignments for the first 36 matches of FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan 2002.
The FC has five referees and four assistants participating in the World Cup. The referees selected for the World Cup are: William Mattus (Costa Rica), Carlos Batres (Guatemala), Peter Prendergast (Jamaica), Felipe Ramos Rizo (Mexico) and Brian Hall (USA). The Confederation's four assistants: Curtis Charles (Antigua & Barbuda), Hector Vergara (Canada), Vladimir Fernandez (El Salvador) and Michael Ragoonath (Trinidad & Tobago).

The first official to see action on the field of play will be Ragoonath, who will be the second assistant in the Germany v Saudi Arabia match set for 1 June in Sapporo, Japan (though Ramos Rizo and Prendergast have duties at the fourth official before, Ramos Rizo to work the opening match between France and Senegal).

The first FC referee to work in the center will be Brian Hall, in the Italy v Ecuador scheduled for 3 June, also in the Sapporo Dome. His first assistant will be Hector Vergara.

Following is the schedule of matches that will be worked by FC referees:
William MATTUS: 04.06.2002, Japan - Belgium (Saitama, Japan)

Carlos BATRES: 07.06.2002, Denmark - Senegal (Daegu, Korea Republic)

Peter PRENDERGAST: 05.06.2002, Russia - Tunisia (Kobe , Japan)

Felipe RAMOS RIZO: 06.06.2002, France - Uruguay (Busan, Korea Republic)

Brian HALL: 03.06.2002, Italy - Ecuador (Sapporo, Japan)

Michael RAGOONATH: 01.06.2002, Germany - Saudi Arabia (Sapporo, Japan); 05.06.2002, Russia - Tunisia (Kobe, Japan)

Curtis CHARLES: 02.06.2002, Paraguay - South Africa (Busan, Korea Republic); 06.06.2002, France - Uruguay (Busan, Korea Republic)

Vladimir FERNANDEZ: 03.06.2002, Brazil - Turkey (Incheon, Korea Republic); 06.06.2002, France - Uruguay (Busan, Korea Republic)

Hector VERGARA: 03.06.2002, Italy - Ecuador (Sapporo, Japan); 07.06.2002, Argentina - England (Sapporo, Japan)


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