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 Diouf joining Liverpool . Arsenal mus get Eto

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mexxx Posted - May 31 2002 : 1:33:46 PM
SENEGAL hero El Hadji Diouf confirmed after his country's historic victory over France that he will join Liverpool in the summer.

Diouf who played an instrumental part in Papa Bouba Diop's goal and tormented the French defence throughout the game, will move to Anfield from Lens for a fee in the region of £10 million.

"I'm delighted to be joining Liverpool," Diouf said.

"Liverpool are a club that expects to be one of the best in Europe.

"I want to be one of the best players in the world and I'm sure that at Liverpool and with a great coach like Gerard Houllier I can do that."

The move will complete an amazing 12 months for Diouf, who joined Lens for £3.5 million from Rennes last summer.

He went on to be one of the French leagues leading scorers and inspired his side to within one game of the league championship.

Following his performance against France, Liverpool will be relieved to have come to an agreement with le Championnat side before he boosts his value further in this tournament.

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