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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mexxx Posted - May 29 2002 : 2:24:29 PM

Lions prepare for Eto'o eruption

Young Samuel Eto'o is a dynamic mixture of Roger Milla's thirst for goals and Jean-Manga Onguene's succulent skills.
At just 20, the audacity with which he splits defences and scores is phenomenal.

No wonder Real Madrid pinched him from his hideout in Avenir Douala in Cameroon five-and-a-half years ago.

Since then he has moved on to Mallorca and helped them to third position in the Spanish League last season.

Aged 21, Eto'o is already used to success

It makes the price Mallorca paid for him, £4.4m, look like a very good deal.

Few of his contemporary countrymen can boast of so much success at such a young age.

Only Patrick Mboma, former African footballer of the year, can equal his great club career, Nations Cup winners medal and Olympic gold.

Despite going to the last World Cup, Japan and Korea will be the first time Eto'o plays on football's biggest stage.

He was not given a chance in France 98 when Cameroon were eliminated in the first round, sitting on the bench in each of the three games.

But after playing a leading role in the Olympic and double Nations Cup triumphs of 2000 and 2002, Eto'o is certainly ready to lend his weight to the Lions' campaign at the World Cup.

And he believes they have the perfect man at the helm in German manager Winfried Schafer.

We've had the same squad since 1998 so that's a plus

Samuel Eto'o

Schafer took over last September and, after guiding the Indomitable Lions to this year's African Nations Cup, must now plan a way to beat his own country in Group E.

"Germany is the strongest team in our group, so it's good we have a German trainer," Eto'o told BBC Sport Online.

"Schafer will help us master the skills we need to face the Germans.

"Our performance at the World Cup will depend on him."

Eto'o also believes the team can re-enact the magic of the 1990 side which reached the quarter-finals in Italy.

"We've had the same squad since 1998, so that's a plus," he said.

"But we have to realise that for every tournament it means starting from zero, from afresh.

"Theoretically, we're in an easy group but the proof lies in our playing."

What the MIND of MAN can conceive and BELIEVE he will ACHIEVE
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mexxx Posted - May 30 2002 : 12:03:38 PM
Also Tilla check this.
CAMEROON striker Samuel Eto'o has dedicated his goal against England in the recent friendly between the sides to the fans of Tottenham.

Spurs are just one of a number of clubs chasing the highly-sought after Real Mallorca ace and he admitted he was thinking of the club's fans when playing England.

Eto'o is widely expected to leave San Moix after the World Cup finals and he has his heart set on a move to England.

Arsenal, Leeds and Liverpool have also been linked with the former Real Madrid ace, but Spurs are thought to be leading the chase for his signature.

The skilful front-man also showed his trickery in the draw with England last weekend and in one instance nut-megged Sol Campbell which he also dedicated to the White Hart Lane faithful, who he felt would take great delight in seeing their former favourite being embarrassed.

"I dedicate my goal and my piece of trickery against Sol Campbell to the fans of Tottenham," Eto'o told

Eto'o has held talks with Spurs boss Glenn Hoddle over a possible move to White Hart Land and he admitted that he is interested in a move to North London.

"I met with Glenn Hoddle with my agent Willie McKay in Madrid three weeks ago and discussed a possible move to Tottenham.

"He is a nice man and I really admired him as a player.

"I like the way his teams play and I would be keen on a move to White Hart Lane.

"That is when I scored against England and nut-megged Sol Campebell I was thinking of Tottenham and I would like to dedicate those moments to Tottenham fans."

What the MIND of MAN can conceive and BELIEVE he will ACHIEVE

Mexxx Posted - May 30 2002 : 11:49:38 AM
Tilla he will be loved by people of the BEAUTIFUL Game because he has the SkillZ, but also runs off the ball well, makes space for others, very very gifted, his only problem I see and it is BIG, he can miss the sitters... He missed an open boal in the Cameroon African Nations Cup this year, I mean it was a real sitter and he looked Jamaican by blasting it over the Bar. he plays and STARTS for Mallorca in Spain who finished 3 in the Best league in Europe... the La Liga

What the MIND of MAN can conceive and BELIEVE he will ACHIEVE
Tillamawnin Posted - May 29 2002 : 10:51:58 PM
Very good info Mexxx. I will be looking out for this Eto'o Brute. I hope some of our local ballers sit down and watch some of these men play. Too often our players only seem to focus on individual skill while ignoring other aspects of the game like running off the ball and giving support and playing options to your teammate with the ball, tactical awareness and overall working for the betterment of the team.

Anyway, it is good to see posts like these.


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Mohandas K. Gandhi

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