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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mexxx Posted - May 29 2002 : 2:10:38 PM

Senegalese Coach Equates Diouf With Thierry, Trezeguet
May 29, 2002
Senegal coach Bruno Metsu claims his striker El Hadji Diouf is as good as France superstars Thierry Henry and David Trezeguet.

"If he was at Arsenal or Juventus he would be on the same level," said the African side's French boss.
Diouf won the African player of the year for 2001 and the 21-year-old proved a revelation as his club Lens fought for the French title.

"After the World Cup he'll be playing in the Champions' League with his club Lens and you'll see him smash his way to the top," said Frenchman Metsu.

"I've spoken to France coach Roger Lemerre about him and he too is very impressed."

France play Senegal in the World Cup opener on Friday in a match being described as a derby with so many of the Africans playing in the French league.

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