T O P I C R E V I E W |
Karl |
Posted - May 27 2002 : 11:09:07 AM needs from his FA (ref. Carl Brown)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jawge Karl said all CB needs is money do you think the Fri May 24 09:59:31 2002
same? I'm just curious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Karl - Did not say all you need is money! — Karl, Fri May 24 10:06
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jawge the Eternal Learner Hmmm interesting so Karl if it's not money alone CB needs, Fri May 24 10:16:04 2002
what else does he need to ensure a 2006 qualification? I am here to learn. Care to comment X?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jawge Karl could you SPECIFY the "many, many things" Fri May 24 10:26:33 2002
so that could understand what you are talking about?
Thanks in advance
Edited by - Karl on May 27 2002 11:25:27 |
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Karl |
Posted - May 27 2002 : 11:40:03 PM TD's needs -
Let us look at some of what any one of us would need - 1) Facilities for all facets of training a) Gym, training fields, local match arena(s) that meet international standards, weight room, Masseurs room, lecturer theatre with modern audio-visual facilities, dining room, lounge, offices (private), shower rooms etc.
2) Support staff for player welfare
a) Administrative support for provision of statistical information on players i)Psychological profile and counseling i.e. professional guidance of the individual by utilizing psychological methods especially in collecting case history data, using various techniques of the personal interview, and testing interests and aptitudes (Where, when, personel...) ii) Information on financial strength... resultant pay package and other benefits iii) Accommodation iv) Management personel for coordination of travel arrangements....and a Chef de Mission and his staff.
b) Technical Staff (Football training)- i) Assistant Coach(es), ii) Specialist coaches, ii) Trainers, iii) Masseurs, iv) Referees and Assistant referees. a) JFF to assist in providing access to support personel and establishing benefit package...i.e. salary etc. b) JFF to coordinate with TD on specifics on job description(s). c) JFF to provide past records of all players. (i.e. the records should be available for perusal as necessary and to assist in forming opinions and excution of action as it relates to the individual(s) and team). Information on clubs personel - Profile, telephone numbers etc. Notes on any vital/necessary info...(Info - Would include Match Commissaries reports, Technical reports on games played...or any other pertinent info...).
3) Technical staff - i)Medical - MD specialists, dentists, chiropractors, nutritionists, psychologists... etc.
ii) Contractual arrangements, benefit packages etc. of these Medical support persons/services
4) JFF to provide all support services for access to clubs, teams, agents, scouts, players and any other necessary persons (e.g. parents, schools of age group players, etc.) ...prior to and to assist in the selection and retention of players for composition of national teams.
NB. JFF to provide:- a) Funding for all the above b) Secretarial assistance for all the above c) Access to National FAs to foster the climate in which TD/JFF planned schedule of matches can be engaged in over agreed time slot...choosing opponents carefully to fit within 'philosophy'...and expected rate of progression of the team.
Take note the JFF would have to understand and accept the "Aims and Philosophy" of the TD as it would have been formed within the "Policy aims of the JFF"...i.e. The JFF would clearly understand "What are the TD's aims and what he is trying to accomplish...during a particular timeframe?"...and "The How?" ...and the JFF's contribution to accomplishing the task.
The TD and the JFF must work together and hopefully never find themselves in conflict....as success depends on both parties moving in sync...towards the recognised goal.
Jawge: You would have recognized that each area with the aid of the 'personel' assembled can be presented in more detail.
You would have also recognized that the above would entail 'much work' on the part of the JFF. :-)
Respect! Boss!
One question: Why did you ask?
Edited by - Karl on May 28 2002 07:22:43 |
Karl |
Posted - May 27 2002 : 11:19:39 AM Jawge: Tds are hired by National Associations to do the job outlined in the "job description.
What is in Carl's job description I haven't a clue?
The name Technical Director stands for different things in different countries.
There is usually three categories - a) Director of National Team i.e. coach. b) Director of National Teams and may or may not be a coach to any of the teams. c) Technical Director of an all-country development program.
Specifically, the recent Carl Brown appointment seems to cover "Director of National Teams" with the added responsivbility of Coach of the Men National Senior Team.
It therefore follows that the TDs expectations of support from the FA...in Carl's particular circumstance, the JFF, will differ somewhat.
I am assuming your question is asking that I list many of the support services needed by TD Carl Brown that must be supplied by the JFF, if Captain Burrell and his team is serious about having a sustained drive to World Cup 2006 and beyond?
Check lata for list.
Edited by - Karl on May 28 2002 07:06:53 |