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 An Academy in Miami

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mexxx Posted - May 26 2002 : 9:38:33 PM
Posted on Sat, May. 25, 2002

Academy targets top youth
Former Fusion coach Hudson lauds program

South Florida's best young soccer players will soon have a new place to hone their skills and pursue their dreams.

Former Fusion coach Ray Hudson and Colombian star midfielder Carlos Valderrama were in Miami Beach on Friday for the launch of the CareerSports Soccer Academy, a nonresidential training program for boys aged 12 to 16. Three sites are still being considered, and one will be selected next month. The academy is scheduled to begin operation in September.

The academy, founded by British businessmen Paul Stevens and Andy Middleton, aims to find the area's untapped talent and provide expert coaching, personal development and international exposure. It will follow the blueprint used to nurture young talent all over Europe and South America.

Eventually, the founders hope to open similar academies throughout the United States.

Steve Rutter, the former England national youth coach, will head the program. Athletes will train three days a week for two hours after school. Those who can't afford the $9,000-a-year tuition will be eligible for financial aid, provided by corporate and private sponsors.

''This isn't soccer camp or babysitting, it's the real, authentic deal,'' said Hudson, now coach of D.C. United. ``Their plan to identify, nurture and place true talent is long overdue. Manchester United got [David] Beckham, [Paul] Scholes, and Ryan [Giggs] as 10-year-olds, and developed them.''

Tryouts begin July 8 at St. Thomas University. For applications, call 305-718-3360 or visit Deadline is June 21.

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