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 Mexxx - Brasil/Brazil competitions and coaching

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Karl Posted - May 23 2002 : 11:27:00 AM
Here it is
Thu May 23 06:48:08 2002

Brazilian Championships and Coaching

Because of the tremendous size of the country, each of the 26 States run their own championships. The principal states in the soccer scene are São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Pernambuco and Bahia. There are also several other competitions, such as the "Copa Brasil" and the "Campeonato Brasileiro" - which is in fact the National Championship. This competition has, over the years, steadily grown and in 1985 there were 44 clubs participating including those from the States of Amazonas and Rio Grande do Sul. The competition involves the clubs in a tremendous amount of travelling: for example from Rio de Janeiro to Manaus (Amazonas) takes 3.5 hours; Porto Alegre to Manaus takes 7.15 hours - both by jet aircraft. Another factor is that the whole event must be completed in a maximum of four months, consequently some 200 games have to be competed in that short period. No other country faces similar travel problems, and this makes it one of the toughest league competitions in the world. In the State of São Paulo, there are 20 clubs in the 1st division, 56 clubs in the 2nd division and 40 clubs in the 3rd division. In Rio de Janeiro, the 1st division has 12 clubs, the 2nd has 8 clubs and the 3rd division, 12 clubs. Usually soccer coaching in Brazil begins at very early age, and great care is taken while correcting the faults of the young player, so as not to destroy any natural potential. Individualism is encouraged, because it takes a flash of individual play to overcome the modern defensive system in soccer. The young player will naturally follow professional soccer and will soon begin to play himself. He can then join one of the professional clubs, most of which are run on the lines of social club. There is a club house, swimming pools (usually 3 or 4) plus all other conceivable sports facilities. There are also enclosed playgrounds for young children with staff to look after them, so that the parents can safely leave them and follow their own pastimes. These clubs organise many teams, from the age of 5 upwards. They run their own internal championship for various teams of different age groups. There is also a city championship where clubs can enter up to 10 teams in the various age groups. Each age group is looked after by a professional player, usually one who has already retired, and it is his job to instruct and develop these young players. The club provides all equipment except boots. To illustrate the value of the policy of developing junior soccer, the Brazilian "under nineteen" team won the "Cannes International Junior Soccer" tournament five successive times and the Toulon "Under 21" tournament in 1981 (at their first attempt), 1982 and 1983. Both competitions included strong opposition such as the national teams of Holland, Italy, Argentina and U.S.S.R. amongst others. The under 19's team also won the Junior World Cup held in Mexico in 1982, and 1985 when it was held in U.S.S.R and 1992 in Australia. The under 16's obtained an honourable third place in the first World Cup competition in China in 1985. In recent years the C.B.F. has paid all expenses for the "under sixteen" and "under fourteen" club sides to take part in European Tournaments, where they have had considerable success.
Brazilian Championships and Coaching
Managers and Principal International Achievements of Brazili

It should be made clear that the Manager of Brazil is not dismissed at the end of a World Cup series. His contract with the CBF carries on until the end of the series; it is therefore incorrect when the Press announce that the Manager has been dismissed. If so required, the Manager is re-engaged for the next series, as happened with Vicente Feola in 1958, 1962 and 1966, and Zagalo in 1970 and 1974, and also Telê Santana in 1982 and 1986. An interesting point to note is that Brazil has been also managed by brothers: in 1954 by Zezé Moreira and in 1962 by Aymoré Moreira, both of whom were themselves former Brazilian internationals. International Titles - 1914 to 1995 - Winners of:
UMBRO Cup 1995
FIFA World Cup 1994
Jules Rimet Cup 1958, 1962 and 1970
Independence Cup 1972
U.S.A. Bicentenal Tournament 1976
Pan American Championship 1952 and 1956
South American Campionship 1919, 1922, 1948, 1977 and 1990
Atlantico Cup 1960
Bernardo O'Higgins Cup 1955, 1959, 1961 and 1966
Oswaldo Cruz Cup 1950, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1962 and 1976
Rio Branco Cup 1931, 1932, 1947, 1950, 1967, 1968 and 1976
Roca Cup 1914, 1945, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1971 and 1976
Rodrigues Alves Cup 1922
Junior World Cup Winners 1982, 1984 and 1992
Sir Stanley Rous Cupvs. England - first win by aSouth American Country 1987


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