T O P I C R E V I E W |
Karl |
Posted - Apr 02 2002 : 11:54:52 AM Tue Apr 2 08:49:14 2002
OTown Westman's recent post is a good start for planning
I dont have the time to address your very good case study right now, but I think the President would have to address issues such as those in the Westman post. If those issues were adequately addressed, I believe the President and the JFF would be on the way to doing ever improving and rewarding things.
Westman Coming in, coming in, coming in from the cold. Thu Mar 28 14:30:37 2002
Yes, I have been away from the Forum for a few days, but my thoughts have been here. During the coming days and weeks I will be starting discussions on several topics beneficial to youth and sports in Jamaica. I will be making posts,inviting rebuttals/comments, and discussion. These will be very serious and hopefully, they can be archived and passed on.
The first few topics will include Revamping Physical Education In Jamaica, Asset Management, Geographic Information Systems, Customer Service, and "Herding Cats." Don't let any of the titles fool you. These are all very serious topics.
Until then, a few thoughts for you:
Some Reasons Why Systems Fail or Don't Satisfy Expectations?
* Unclear/Insufficient/Improper Goals * Unreasonable/Unrealistic Expectations * Underestimation of needed investment * Improper allocation/management of investment * Failure to implement in phases or to determine the proper phasing * Failure to establish or adhere to standard operating procedures * Failure to adequately train personnel * Lack of/No maintenance * Failure to establish/adhere to rules of accountability * Unwillingness/slowness to adjust * Poor division of labor * Lack of identification of and inclusion of stakeholders * Failure to allow for and encourage input from stakeholders from all levels of the system. * Failure to make objective comparisons to several other successful or failed systems * Failure to form partnerships and build synergy with like and unlike systems * Failure to fairly select, rotate, recruit, and maintain positive leadership at all levels * Failure to establish/maintain teamwork,lack of understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the collective and the individuals, and lack of committment toward encouraging the collective and individuals to strengthen eachother.
The converse, of course, would be, why do systems succeed/satisfy expecations?
I am sure these can be added to.
You may respond to these, if you care. But these are meant to prepare for discussions on upcoming topics.
Finally, it has been said that "People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan."
Happy Holidays, Westman
Karl |
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Karl |
Posted - Apr 03 2002 : 9:28:41 PM Re: What if I was...JFF president...Mac Wed Apr 3 17:58:19 2002
Mac, I saw your proposals along with those of Courtney's--on the other page--and I must say: The both of you should go and "drown yourselves in the sea":-).
Why? Because normally, you both advise posters to deal with the issues from a realistic standpoint. Therefore, are you and Courtney being realistic here? Courtney's budget, and maybe yours when all things are factored in, is out of our league, if one is to go by the reports coming out of JA.
{I do agree with you both for putting down your ideas regardless of how much it would end up costing. That is the way to go, always. Now that you have Plan A...if Plan A cost too much then come up with a plan B and so on.}
The topic must be examined with the knowledge that the SDF recently slashed by 60% it's hand-out to the JFF.
The only team that make a profit is the men's senior team...Which you did, Mac.
Their is little or no facility in place in the entire country that is of international standard that can cater to football only...Whether it be for training or an actual game...and even to properly house the various teams.
Sponsorship is ridiculously low for both the National teams and the various leagues that falls under the jurisdiction of the JFF.
Also, we must admit it: The JFF as now become a visionless organization that seems incapable of taking our football forward and beyond.
Knowing all this, I think I/we can now move forward with your topic, Mac..."Being in charge and taking charge".
One thing I must make clear Mac, is that: I do not agree with your stance that the JFF should be more hands-off, at this time, in a number of crucial areas of our football development--for eg, Clubs, pro-league ect...One must understand that Jamaica is a third world country, and being third world should indicate that we are lacking the necessary expertise in a number of areas...and football mirrors that, Sir. Football is not the exception in Jamaica.
Mac and Courtney: The JFF must first attempt to maximise the entire potential that exist in our wonderful country, at this time (I will attempt to address the overseas market a bit later in my post), since quite frankly I don't think much as been done since Simoes departed.
Restructure: Restructure in an effort to become more efficient and probably cost-effective, too, in an effort to better serve the purposes that the Federation was intended to, would be my number one priority.
{Since the JFF as three presidents--one would serve the county of Cornwall, the other Middlesex and the other Surrey. The intention here is to have various people concentrating on specific sections on the island.
Now let's take Cornwall for eg.: All the various parish FAs in that county would fall under the jurisdiction of one president. That president would be mandated to work closely with those FA's to:
a) Identify pontentail sponsors/organizations/busnisess from that region.
b) Wealthy families and individuals...including our musicians...both a and b with the intention to approach for assistance.
Those are just two areas that I think we need to concentrate on, now, in an effort to move closer towards professionalising the sports in Jamaica since it is almost all about raising the necessary funds to carry-out the various functions..
Funds: Knowing that we are short on funds (Going by what is reported) I would immediately set out to devise fundraising strategies for: The programme...national teams, the construction of a training center and the pro-league.
I would write FiFa at least once per year, outlining our accomplishments and what we have done to date and continue to do irrespective of the hardships faced; what we mean to the sports in the region and the world; what our future goals include, and why it is necessary for them, Fifa, to assist us finanacially (Now) in our development.
The government and private sector: I would prove to both the importance at this time for a National Training Centre...yes I would rather one for football only, but considering all things, I think our best bet is to prove the impact such a facility could have in the development of sports in general in the country, but would stress football, no doubt.
I would look to start a football magazine: The magazine would contain info. on the RBz, NPL, Parish leagues, and articles that deals with our players. Eg., MLS, college ect. Sponsors would be approach to advertise their goods and services...
For now the magazine would run during the NPL season, with an edition coming out before the league gets underway and also after each end-of-round finals. For obvious reasons. Two school boy magazines would be printed. One before the season starts and the other when the season comes to an end.
{Internationally I would add an extra dollar to the price of the magazine. This would go towards the construction of our own facility or whatever...give me time.}
A nationwide raffle would be a must. One every year and minor raffles that would be the responsibility of the different counties or parish FAs.
I would identify organizations/individuals that I think could play a greater role to assist with the development of the sports...For eg., Can Pepsi do more than sponsor schoolboy football; What about Coca cola; Red Stripe; Grace foods; our entertainers like: Shaggy, Buju, Shabba, Beenie, the Marleys, producers, promoters ect.; influential individuals like: Buth Stewart and company; Charmin...Oops, thats me.
I must know why those organizations and individuals have kept away from the sports, or exactly how they have contributed to the sports over the years and in what areas and at what levels.
Notice so far that almost all my energy have been centred in exploring Jamaica to it's fullest. But the most important I think is to communicate clearly by outlining our goals and objectives to one and all...Supporters, sponsors, potential-sponsors, fans, affiliates ect...using news letters to get our message out to the massives.
Therefore, our Website would be up and running, always...with the latest news and info on all national teams and clubs.
Again sponsors would be welcome to advertise on our website.
Clubs would be encourage, for a small fee, to sell their merchandise on our website (Profit sharing)...until they can maintain a site of thier own.
Our website would also feature a whole lot of goodies for those individuals that love fi spend dem money.
All this of course would serve to make us a better overall federation and thus becoming more attractive to both suporters and sponsors.
League: I would promptly do away with the A-league, since it servers little or no purpose whatsoever.
I know what many will say: The A-league is intended to give teams an opportunity to prepare for life in the NPL. Foolinish!
Look, we promote teams to the NPL that shouldn't even be playing A-league football, and I know we will be demoting teams to the A-league that are better structured to be playing in the NPL. Therefore, tell me where is the progress?
I would set a standard...Like the ones the JFF currently has in place...teams that are able to meet that standard would be welcome to play in the NPL. Now after a time, hopefully, we would have a number of teams at NPL standard. At that point, we could then institute a division for the sake of making the league as competitive as possible.
I just cannot understand the need for divisions at this time, when we are lacking so much.
Oh, BTW, the U/21 league stays, since it and the NPL goes hand in hand.
The A-league should be dropped because it has no sponsor, A. B, the money use to run that good-for-nothing league could be better use to develop our coaches and referees by holding seminars and training sessions for those group of people.
(We need to realize that quality coaching will eventually lead to quality players. Therefore, whether you want to believe it or not, it will be our responsibility to see to it that we assist, the best way we can, with the overall development of our coaches AND referees.
Also, the sponsor that was willing to build a small facility for D'Park, that D'Park allowed to got away, would receive a call from me, personally, with the intention of sponsoring another club or becoming one of our sponsor...Mac, the JFF must get involve in situations such as this. They cannot just sit a leave it up to the club by saying that it is not their affair, because ultimate, the entire football faternity suffers when a sponsor walks away. Be it at club or national level.
Internationally: The potential is there, I just don't have the necessary expertise to fully maximize this area. So, I would have to look for one or a group that could. Just playing games overseas I don't think is enough. But that is one option.
A number of my plans so far are long term. But what can be done now to stimulate financial growth?
Yes, better communication, marketing and more sponsorhip. But ultimately, we must get the various teams back in training and back on the competitive fields.
I would look into the feasibility of a Jamaica Invitational for starters, and journey back to Brasil to see if there is anything that they can or are willing to do for us as far as: Training camps and expertise.
I would also engage the English FA and clubs such as Bolton...again, in regards to training camps and expertise.
In summary: Mac and Courtney: I think the approach was correct...Forget cost and come up with a plan, regardless of cost. If that plan prove to be too costly, then move to another.
However, I approach it on the basis that the US 1-million is written in stone, considering the economical climate that have long engulfed Jamaica, and the reduction in the SDF hand-out to the JFF, and the failure of the senior team to secure a W/Cup berth ect. My plan would then be to restructre the Federation, identify sponsors, Approach Fifa for assistance, fundraising strategies, restructuring the way we operate our football leagues, Overseas Marketing and overseas assistance both from a financial and expertise standpoint.
Respect and irie ites! Charmin
Karl |
Karl |
Posted - Apr 03 2002 : 1:20:22 PM Karl , this is what I want you to address. Wed Apr 3 10:01:30 2002
Not my response to Mac, which I deliberatley kept brief. It's not even funny anymore what has transpired from Mac's request.
Courtney Mac, the US$1 Mill is inadequate in my view. Tue Apr 2 14:53:43 2002
I see the following things needing top billing.
1. The Hiring of a real TD. Proposed salary US$40-60,000.00 a month.
2. A proper coaching staff. estimated Salary US$18-25,000.00 per month x 4
3. The need is there for consultant to the JFF on football administration This person will assist in formulating & effecting administrative policies for the JFF & CLUBS. Estimated Salary US$25,000.00.
1-3 with minimum of 6 year Contracts.
4. The running of proper coaching seminars with proper accreditation ISLANDWIDE -The last one I think ran at a cost of US$5,000.00 split into areas per counties Cornwall, Middlesex & Surrey we talking US$15,000 per term per county. Course outlined by the TD international lecturers brought in at the highest level. (Have no Idea what an International Lecturer would Cost but let's US$ a round figure of US$8,000 per lecturer per county = US$24,000.00)
5. Our referees to be properly trained, certain a lot of them not even passing the coopers test. Run that through GC Foster have them. I would figure at least 10 seminars oiver a 8 month period estimated at US$5,000.00 per seminar.
6.All year round select squads in training. With Games all over the Island much in the same way it used to be done with a schedule of 4-6 games ( internationals) . Again I have no Idea what it costs to house , feed & transport a team of 26 players but I'll use a nice round figure od US$15,000.00 per team ( Under 17 - Senior ) Under 19 & Senior for women) estimated total US$75,000 per term of being in camp which for me would be at least 2 -3 weeks per team every 45 days.
7.Iniatiate discussions with the government to have at least three Mini Stadiums ( max capacity 15-18,000) per County with a seperate training facility. Estimated Cost pers Stadia US$10 Million, cost for Upkeep per month once built US$15-25,000.00). These cost of errecting these facilities are negotiated through the Govt/Ministry of SPorts with Donor organizations/Countries/FIFA/Concacaf . With a view to maximising Jamaica's potential of having a viable football industry Must be agrred that on sale/transfer of players a fund is set up where a percentage is returned to this fund to assist in upkeeping said stadiums/running Jamaica/s football.
8.Initiate negotiations with Tourism Ministry in conjuction with other sporting bodies to use our athletes, sporting teams as part of the countries advertising campaigns. Fees are negotiated which agan part proceeds goes back to the various organizations to assist in their funding paying off debts etc.
9.Initiate negotiations with most if not all sporting bodies to have ONE sponsor for Jamaica's national teams. Puma is excellent for Track & field & football, why not Volleyball Basketball too etc.
10. Introduce ways & means of making the fans, supporters of our football. The champagne/Waggonist Fan cannot be the norm anymore. Football is played at other levels besides W/Cup qualifiers.
I started out by removing your monetary constraint becasue from where I sit , that would be just a drop in the bucket to do what I view as the primary tasks that need to be tackled.
In terms of long term I thing the bottom 5 or three of my ten are long term , I don't think I break it down any smaller at least not without putting under long term consideration.
I'v not put a direct emphasis on marketing the Football I think this can be attached to a couple of my points but again the funds are inadequate and one would definitely need to hire a qualified Marketer the cost for that is anybody's guess.
Bless Courtney
Karl |
Karl |
Posted - Apr 03 2002 : 11:40:43 AM But then who would actually Wed Apr 3 08:23:40 2002
Be in charge of the support services for our football ??
You see I have a different Outlook Mac , we are growing in A division of football but B.C & D have been neglected.
The sport needs to move forward as one, I also beleive that to some extent the JFF must mirror Concacaf who mirror's FIFA in outlook & operation. the Local Clubs must mirror the JFF in some aspects as well. FIFA does have the Refs fully under their umbrella.
From where I sit Mac, we need to take the opportunity to build properly , from the bottom up.
Bless Courtney
Karl |
Karl |
Posted - Apr 03 2002 : 11:07:48 AM Mac What I would do as JFF president Wed Apr 3 07:59:11 2002
What I would do as JFF president
First, I would have a different philosophy as it related to the function of the JFF. In my view, the primary function of the JFF should be in developing the various national football teams. Therefore the vast majority of the efforts would be aimed at activities that would lead to better development of the various national teams. All the other activities related to football development in general would be supported by the JFF but would be handled by different organizations. An example is refereeing. The main body that should be responsible should be a national refereeing association (NRA). The JFF would support the NRA to develop better quality referees, but the main responsibility would fall with that organization. The same principle would apply for the NPL and the proposed professional football league. A separate body would be set up with a major contribution from the club to running and administrating the leagues. Again, the JFF would form a more support role and not be in the lead in putting the pro league together. If the clubs are not the major driving force to form a pro league, then the federation cannot force them into it. They must want it as bad as the federation. As JFF president, I would be interested in forming the pro-league because it would provide better prepared players for the national teams. Again, it would serve the main federation focus. It is my view that the JFF should be mainly an administrative organization. This means that the JFF offers administrative assistance to organizations for planning and development of football. A major component of my plan would be to have a Technical director who would be responsible for all football planning and development matter. This person could be Carl Brown or anyone else with the proper ideas of how to develop programs to produce quality national teams. The TD would work with the other organizations to work with football and player development. The parish football federations would have a more central role in development.
I think that the main problem with the JFF presently is that they are trying to do too many things at one time. This in my view leads to a lack of focus and thus they are less efficient at performing some of those functions. I applaud there approach to be the leader for all aspects of football in Jamaica, but that is not how I would do it.
So let me list my top 10 priorities.
1) Selecting a technical director who has the above mentioned qualities. This is a football organizer who comes up with the plans for identifying, training, the players for the various national teams. He hires the coaches for all the various teams.
2) Senior Mens National team. This is where most of the money would be spent (40-50% of the budget. The senior national team is the only team that generates money for the program therefore this is where the main emphasis would lie.
3) The mens U20 natinal team. Since CONCACAF has 4 positions for the competition, we stand the best chance of qualification here. Also, these players would be the future of the senior national team.
4) The mens U17 team. These are the feeder players for the U20 team.
5) The womens senior team. In the future, the womens team have the potential of being the most successful Jamaican team. This is because CONCACAF is the strongest in the womens game and the US college system is the greatest development area. We already have a history of sending JA athletes to US colleges and this would lead to a great development of our womens team. Therefore they may move up in the order with time. .
6) The womens U19 team. This is the feeder team for the womens senior team.
7) The mens and womens U15 team. This is the early development for the various older youth teams.
8) Develop a national training center. Although this is listed as #8, it impacts on all the national teams. It is VITAL that we have a national training center for proper training the various national teams.
9) Coordination with parish federations, refereeing association, coaching associations, schools, clubs sponsors etc. to develop football in all parishes.
10) Development of a professional football league. This would have the greatest impact on developing quality players for the senior national team.
Karl |