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 Happy Women's day!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The_Emperor Posted - Mar 08 2002 : 11:07:38 AM
Everyday we give thanks to Mother Earth, the source from which life is borne. We are forever grateful for her fruitfulness and her kind and loving arms that stretch forth fruits in due season (wi gone deep now so penny dah line yah serious). Your warm and tender care that sooth our wounds and satisfy our souls never go unnoticed Today is designated international women’s day so we are taking the time out to hail all women.

So we say one love to all females, hold strong and stay positive.

While we apprecilove all females and their contribution on this earth we want to take the time out to give a special shout out to select few.

First we want to Hail the one and only Empress of Ethiopia, Empress Zawditu.

Empress Zawditu

Empress Zawditu is the daughter of Menelik II and was ascended to the throne in 1916 when Lij Iyasu (her nephew) who ruled the throne from 1913 to 1916 was dethroned. She sat upon the throne until 1930 when she made way for Ethiopia’s last emperor, Tafari Makonnen, better known as Emperor Haile Selassie.

Lij was dethroned after he went against the words of his grandfather who advised him not to remove Tafari as governor of Harar. He had likewise warned Tafari not to overthrow Lij as emperor (Tafari was the more learned and logical leader). Not only did Iyasu remove Makonnen as governor of Harar, he also converted to Islam and treated the Christians unfairly. He levied some heavy tax on them and redistributed their properties to Muslims. Tafari under instructions from advisors to the throne led the overthrow of Lij Iyasu and seated is aunt to the throne. Hail Empress Zawditu! Check out the Royal Lineage of Ethiopia

We next want to pay tribute to Harriet Tubman.

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman is one of the most famous conductors on the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was the route slaves took on their escape up north. Former slaves and whites who opposed slavery used their houses as “stations” along the “railroad” to aid the slaves in their escape bid. Tubman is said to have been involved in a extraordinary number of escapes and subsequent freedom of slaves. Hail Harriet Tubman! Read more about Harriet Tubman

Then we move to the hills of Moore Town Portland to hail Nanny of the Maroons.

Nanny of the Maroons

Nanny is Jamaica’s first and only National Heroine. She is lauded for leading many uprisings against the British soldiers. There are a lot of myths surrounding this beautiful daughter of Africa, including the famous one that says she used her buttocks to stop the English bullets. She was thought of as a witch because they couldn’t quite comprehend her movements and could not capture her. Hail granny Nanny! more on Nanny

After riding out the hills on a white horse we took a raft down the Rio Grande to Rafter’s Rest St. Margrets Bay, where we took a cab to Ken Jones Aerodrome. There we boarded an Air Jamaica Air Taxi to the Norman Manley International Airport from where we departed back to New York to hail the sweet darling Rosa Parks.

Rosa Parks

The name Rosa Parks, is rightfully so, a household name among Negroes. Rosa is that beautiful black girl that refused to give up her seat at the front of the bus to white folks. This sparked a different awareness in the American people and the end to “the rule” that stated that Negroes must occupy the rear of buses and leave the front for their white counterparts. Sister Rosa Parks changed the life of the Negro in a positive way forever. Hail sister Rosa! about Rosa

I would be deserving of a fire burn if on this special day for women I didn’t hail the woman in my life. May the father continue to keep you healthy and strong and may you be surrounded with positivity and happiness for all the days of your life. Hail Empress Makaela!

Empress Makaela

Last but by no means least we hail our own resident females; Empresses Portia, Winsome, Karen, Karen, Gerber, Naomi, Andrea, Yardie2001, Shelly T and the fair Lulu. Although some of you have been away for quite sometime you are still family and we wish to hail you all on this special day.

Long Live Shorty!!#2

Blessed Love

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tillamawnin Posted - Mar 09 2002 : 6:41:44 PM
Interesting post Emperor.


Live simply so that others may simply live.

Mohandas K. Gandhi
Karl Posted - Mar 08 2002 : 8:12:56 PM
God bless, the ladies!


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